Part 16 Just studying

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The day had come to an end and the following day had arrived faster than Nishikata could have anticipated. "Damn it, Takagi's going to try and contact me any minute now, what the heck is she going to suggest we do?" Nishikata asked as he paced his room. "I mean, yesterday wasn't too bad, sure, her bathing suit was ... distracting ... but it was fun being with her." He smiled as he began to feel a warmth in his chest. "She did tease me a lot ... but ... I could eventually get used to this ... who am I kidding? It's Takagi, I'm already used to the teasing." He sat down at his desk and looked at his phone. "She hasn't called yet ...and it's already noon ... am I over eager?"

A moment later, his phone rang, catching off guard, causing him to almost drop it before answering. "Hello?"

"Good morning Nishikata." Takagi-san replied from the other end of the line. "You sure answered quickly."

"I ... I was expecting your call." He said as he began to blush.

"Right, anyway, what do you think I have planned for today?"

Nishikata began to get nervous. "I ... I have no idea really."

"What if ... I told you that it involved you coming over to my house?"

Nishikata felt his heart skip a beat as his blush intensified. "I ... is ... are your parents okay with it? Me going over your house I mean."

"So long as you don't go upstairs."

"Oh ... so ... um ..."

"And make sure to bring your bag."


"So we can do homework together, of course, what did you think I meant?"

Nishikata felt himself melt into his seat as he covered his eyes in shame. 'I really need to remember that this is Takagi we're talking about, she'd never suggest that we do anything ... um ... yeah, anything.' "Sure, what time should I come over?"

"I'm busy for about two hours so ... let's say around 3, just so I have time to get things ready."

"Okay, I'll see you at 3 then."

"Great, I'm looking forward to it." There was a long pause as he waited for her to hang up, only for nothing to happen. "Nishikata?"

"Huh?" He said a little nervously.

"You're supposed to hang up first."

"I-I know that ... it's just ... I ..."

"You want to continue talking with your girlfriend? Is that it?"

"N-NO! It's ... I ... I ..."

"I know, you just don't want to be ruide."

"Y-Yeah ... I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'll see you later."

"Yeah." Nishikata removed the phone from his ear, and reluctantly ended the call. "I ... I should get ready."

He grabbed his bag and began going through it to make sure he had all his homework, so they could work on anything. "I should bring my project notes, not that I have much, but it pays to be safe."

He continued to grab whatever he thought he needed, until he ran out of ideas and glanced at the clock, only to find that fifteen minutes had passed. "I'm ... going to eat breakfast."

He began making his way downstairs, where he found that his mom was sitting, drinking coffee while reading the newspaper. "I see you've finally woken up." She said playfully before looking up to see him carrying his bag. "Are you planning on going somewhere today?"

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