Part 15 End of the pool day

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The day had come to a close, and Nishikata and Takagi-san were making their way to the bus for their ride home. "Ah, that was fun." Takagi-san said as they left the park. "I'm glad we were able to make it here."

"Y-yeah." Nishikata said, his face still red. "I ... liked it a lot more than I thought I would."

"Really? Is that because you're here with me?" She asked with a smile.

"I-I ... well ... it's not like that hurt it or anything."

"You already told me you like being with me to some extent." She extended her hand. "You want to hold hands?"

He glanced at her hand and tried not to smile. 'Sure ... I wouldn't mind that."

They continued making their way to the bus as Nishikata kept sneaking glances at Takagi. 'It almost seems like she really does like me ... though, this could be just so we can be close again ... with all that's been happening over the past few days, I almost forgot that I was avoiding her for a month ... could she be forcing herself to go through with this just so we can be close again?' He glanced over at her and saw her with a beaming smile. 'She looks happy ... like ... very happy ... maybe she does like me ... but if that's the case, then ... I ... seriously need to apologize.'

They reached the bus stop, and luckily, there was already a bus there, and no line to get on. "Looks like we're in luck." Takagi-san said as they made their way over. The bus itself was rather empty, save for the driver, there wasn't anyone else present.

"I guess we have it all to ourselves again." Nishikata said as he looked around. "Just like last time."

"Yeah." Takagi-san said with a slight blush. "Just like last time."

They made their way to the back of the bus and sat next to each other. "This is nice." Takagi-san said as she rested her head on Nishikata' shoulder. "It's just us here."

"Y-yeah." Nishikata looked away and slowly wrapped his arm around Takagi-san's waist, causing her to lift her head and look at him surprised. "I-I'm-"

"There's no need to stop." She interrupted. "If you're looking for permission then by all means."

Nishikata took a deep breath, and placed his hand on Takagi-san's side, and pulled her closer to him as she once again rested her head on his shoulder. "This is really nice."

Nishikata blushed and glanced away. "Yeah ... it is."

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