13. Memories- 1. Handkerchief

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Nishikata's POV

It was the first day of my second year of school. I was so happy that I had managed to sit with Takagi again. But that was not all. After school, Takagi met me in front of my locker and said, "Want to go home together?"

"Yeah...sure." I said while wearing my shoes.

"But, let's meet at the shrine and walk home from there. I have a work to do there. Come there ok?" she jogged to the main entrance and turned back to say, "I will be waiting for you."

This triggered my blush. She was gone soon and I was standing there bewildered, with one shoe on my hand. All sorts of thought crossed my mind. I thought, about the possible ways that she could tease me...yet, none of them seemed appropriate. So, I walked to the shrine, still trying to figure out her plan.

After a few minutes of walking, I reached the shrine. Takagi's bike was standing in front of the shrine, but she was nowhere to be seen. So I went to the back of the shrine to observe. When I was about to turn the corner of the shrine to its back, I heard the breaking of a twig. I thought that Takagi was hiding there to suddenly make a loud noise so that I am frightened. I figured her plan... I was so happy. So, I went from the other side of the shrine. My plan was to shout at her from behind where she was waiting for me. This would sure make her frightened and I could tease her.

But, when I turned the corner, Takagi was not there. There was a cat that purred and ran away when it saw me. I slowly walked towards the back door, scratching my head. I said to me, "Strange where did Takagi go?"

"BOOM?!" Said a loud noise from behind, making me to fright and fall down. Same old trick. Takagi was standing beside me and laughing her guts out. She said, "Hahaha Nishikata, "The same trick always works for you."

I silently got up and brushed myself, and made poker face, facing away Takagi. She was still laughing. I said, "So, what were you doing here?"

She stopped laughing and made a teasing face, "What do you think I was doing here Nishikata?" she edged towards me such that her lips were only inches away from me. She said, "Nishikata, there is no one in this place."

I flushed red like a tomato. I abruptly tried to back up, only to trip on a stone and fall...again. While sitting on the ground, I pointed a shaking finger towards her and said, "W-W-WHAT DO Y-YOU M-M-MEAN?"

She again started laughing and said, "Nishikata, you should look at your face."

I again got up and brushed myself, still red. She suddenly stopped laughing and said, "What did you think, Nishikata?"


"Come here." She moved towards the pedestal of the shrine and sat down. Then she patted the space beside her and said, "Sit down."

I hesitantly sat down beside her, still blushing a little.

After I sat down, she turned her gaze towards the sky and said, "You know Nishikata, what day is today?" Oh crap. I do not have the smallest idea of what is special about today, other than our starting schoo— wait, today is the day we started school one year ago. Today is the day; I met Takagi for the first time. Does she mean our meetiversary? I hesitantly said, "I t-think we met today for the first time."

She turned to and said, smiling, "So you remember."


"Remember, you were late because you were returning my handkerchief."

"I surely do."

"Firstly, I want to thank you again for it."

"That was nothing."

"And secondly..." she searched something in her bag and got out a handkerchief. It was green with orange borders. She handed it to me and said, "Take this as a gift from me for our meetiversary, that's what you call it right?"

She again read my mind. I accepted her gift. It was beautiful. It was a blue handkerchief with dark blue borders and printed white flowers. But when I turned it around, it had my name written on it neatly and with a yellow colour. I blushed. She said, "Do you like it."

I nodded yes. She got up and said, "I hope we have a lot of meetiversaries in future." I blushed and said, "Thank you."

She smiled and said, "Now, don't lose it, it's really special."

She started walking towards the front. I was still sitting there at a loss of words, holding the handkerchief, a gift from Takagi and blushing. Takagi said, "Nishikata, want to walk to home"

I got out of my daze and said, "S-Sure."

Hello guys, this is a late update...i know. but, i am becoming quite busyt with my studies and all...so its late. besides, not much unique ideas are coming in my mind to write. so, its taking a bit time. So, here goes my first update of my memories series. I think there will be about 5-6 of them. so...wait for the next chapter.

Seriously....1.4K to 1.7 K in just one chapter, WOW! I love it.

Till then


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