Chapter 17 : Birthday Part 2

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Takagi was still on nishikata's back slowly moving towards the hotel it was peaceful and quiet.....

A/N : Remember my lecture about clarity a few weeks ago, so yeah complete peace after a very stressful situation... Takagi's mind had entered the state of clarity....

Takagi : ( nishikata is probably gonna take atleast a few more months to confess to me....... I have confirmed that he likes me and he also knows that I know..... But I have have been indecisive since I heard his confession...... He must be really confused as to whether I like him or not..... I have teased him so much that he can't predict my feelings....... He also cherishes our friendship and he doesn't want to ruin it by confessing to me...... So the fastest case of action would be for me to confess to him......... but before that... ) hey nishikata..

Nishikata : what, takagi?

Takagi : do you hate me?

Nishikata : ( shocked) what kind of a question is that?!

Takagi : do I tease you too much?

Nishikata : ( I have no idea how to answer that) uh...

Takagi : you can answer truthfully...

Nishikata : I don't know....

Takagi : do you want me to stop teasing you?

Nishikata : uh..... That's.......

Takagi : I'll give you some time to decide, but we can still have contests

Nishikata : ( do I really want that?.... Well I guess I'll get to experience what life without teasing is after 2.5 years) well it sounds good... (my love aside... Do I actually like the teasing or not)

Takagi : ( snaps out of clarity) ( wait, what the heck?! Why did I say that?! I seriously can't tell what was going through my head)

Nishikata : what are you gonna do now?

Takagi : what?

Nishikata : I mean your shoes are completely destroyed right?

Takagi : no I have spares..

Nishikata : wait, who the hell carries spare shoes, why do you need multiple shoes ( he is confused)

Takagi : well.... You have shoes that go with certain clothes so yeah I always take 2 pairs just in case

Nishikata : man... I'll never understand fashion...... Can you feel you leg now?

Takagi : yeah it doesn't hurt now I can walk now ( I don't want to cause more traffic for him)

Nishikata : who the hell said you can walk, you still don't have shoes on....

This casual conversation continued until they reached the hotel...

Nakai : yo, why are you carrying her on your back? And also why are you bleeding

Nishikata : she hurt her foot and scrapped my hand

Mano : let me look at the wounds

Mano quickly patches them up and after eating breakfast they are ready to spend the rear of the day in the amusement park.

Nishikata : this park is huge!

Nakai : yeah so many fun rides let's go!

They all enjoy some rides after which they separate to have fun at the different games

Nishikata : lets have a contest but remember your promise!

Takagi : ok fine what do wanna play

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