Ch. 23 - The Bond Between Zeldris And Yami

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Chapter 23 - The Bond Between Yami And Zeldris

3rd persons POV
Zeldris still remembers the day he first saw Yami.
It wasn't the first time Meliodas brought someone to the castle but for the very first time it was someone that looked like them and not another lost or hurt animal. As he walked around the corner, he saw a girl that was slightly shorter than him and his brother. Her black hair was a mess and her skin was as pale as flour and she seemed really scared. Zeldris raised an eyebrow as he looked at the pitiful girl standing in front of him. Her weak appearance was enough for Zeldris to not like her. But Meliodas glared at Zeldris angrily so that he wouldn't dare to say anything against her.
"I'm Yami" she introduced herself in a low voice and he could even her voice showed him how scares she was, which just made him despise her even more.

"Welcome" was all he said before turning around and leaving the two of them alone.

She was pathetic. She was a demon, scared of her own powers and absolutely weak, let along whiny and a hopeless case after all. He hated every day that Yami spent with them in the castle. Yes, it was true. In the beginning, he hated Yami. There was no use for someone that belonged partly to the humans.

But whilst Zeldris tried to ignore her and didn't treat her very well, Meliodas cared about Yami so much that they spent every free minute together. And with every year that passed, Yami changed a lot and became stronger and more self-confident. And whilst Zeldris was secretly amazed by how fast she had improved her skills and powers, he began to talk to her and get to know her better. Yami was so different from everyone he had known and was something like a sunshine in the darkness of the demon world.
But the longer Yami stayed with them, the more Meliodas changed. He became nicer and even more annoying with his stupid jokes whilst at the same time he began to care less about fighting others. Zeldris knew that his brother never really loved what he was doing but Meliodas never questioned or cared for it either. But since Meliodas had met Yami, he actually began to care about his actions and changed for the better.

He still looks at their hands that are intertwined and can't help but think back to all those times they spent time together in her room, holding hands and talking. He was never allowed to show her any kind of feelings but Yami always managed to know when he wasn't feeling well and helped him just by being there for him. When he thinks back to those 2.000 years they spent together, he can't believe how close they've gotten when he couldn't stand her at all in the beginning.
"Do you mind?" he asks Yami softly but doesn't wait for an answer as he pulls her into his arms. With a kind smile she rests her head against his chest and listens to his heartbeat. Zeldris places a soft kiss on her hair whilst holding her close.
"I'm not saying what you did was right but when I think about being locked away for 3.000 years without knowing what happened to you... or thinking you'd have been safe in the castle and returning there and not finding you... I don't even want to imagine this" he says and begins to move his fingers caressingly along her back.

Yami looks up at Zeldris in surprise. "Zel..." she begins but he cuts her off with a smile. 

"Let's just enjoy this for one more moment, okay? I waited 4.000 years to hold you in my arms like this."

4.000 years ago
Zeldris was appointed to his father, which was a very rare thing. The demon lord had been able to speak telepathically to his sons for a long time already and spared his time to see them. But if it wasn't about direct instructions, he saved himself  even that.
With gritted teeth he walked down the dark area to Purgatory and tried to ignore the uncomforting feeling inside him. Even though he had been to Purgatory before, the place stayed as scary as it used to be in the first time. It was not for nothing that it was considered the real hell for all living beings, which made it just the best place for his father.  (A/N: I hope this last sentence makes sense, google translator had to help me out here)

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