Chapter 10 You don't know anything

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T.W. Self harm

Midoriya's POV-

It had been a couple of months of continuous torture from Aizawa. I still had a few months until the entrance exam for U.A. "Why did I sign up for this again?"

"I don't care why Problem Child just keep grinding the coffee beans." I groaned as my arms ached in pain. I had been grinding his coffee for four hours, I honestly wanted to cry. Every day he would come up with a strange task that would somehow benefit him and count as 'training'. Every day had become a ridiculous training regime and it only became worse after I told him my quirk. We immediately started to train it and I would pass out twice a day if I was lucky. In the five months, I had been training I had actually become way stronger and my quirk had almost been tuned to perfection despite the weird 'training'.

<Time Skip>

"Oi Hobo I'm done with these can I nap now?"

"Nah clean the cat litter, it'll train your sense of smell or some shit like that." He waved me off and went back to reading his magazine. I groaned and went back into their house. Overall this time, their house had become mine. I was over there every day to train or to just hang out with whoever was over at the time. They were basically like my dads, though I wouldn't ever say that out loud. Who knows what they would think they could just kick me away because they would think I'm weird or it could be awkward for a while. I grimaced at the thought before shoving it away and changing the cat litter.

I held my breath and started to clean the litter. I let out a gasp of breath every once in a while so I could breathe. Soon enough I was done and I threw the disgusting litter away. "Oi Hobo I'm done with the litter, can I go now?" He quickly glanced up from his magazine before returning his gaze down. "Sure. Bye Problem Child."

"Bye Hobo." I turned around and walked home.

Bakugou's POV-

The damn nerd had been missing for months. I wanted to know where the fuck he and Auntie Inko had gone. The old hag had tried calling Auntie Inko but it looked like she got a new phone or some shit like that because it had said that the user's service had disconnected. I was getting annoyed with the whole ordeal. Why the fuck would that nerd not fucking tell me they had moved? I sighed and decided I should get some coffee. I needed a fucking break from everything.

The air outside was getting hotter as the summer months came closer. It was humid and fucking disgusting. The only plus side was that my quirk worked better. After a couple of minutes of walking, I finally made it to the cafe. It was a small cafe, but the coffee was fucking amazing. The bell made a ringing sound as I opened the door. My eyes blew open at who I saw at the counter. "D-Deku?"

3rd Person POV-

The green-haired boy turned around responding to the childhood nickname. His eyes widened when he saw Bakugou. "Oh, it's you. Hi Kacchan."

"The fuck you mean 'Oh it's you'? I haven't seen you for half a year what the fuck happened?" Midoriya shrugged. "I don't know what you want me to say. I got bored?"

"Bored? You got bored with what?"

"I don't know? You?"

"What the fuck?" Once again the boy shrugged and grabbed his coffee from the counter. "I don't have time to deal with you anymore. Toodle-loo!" As Midoriya waved his hand goodbye Bakugou grabbed his wrist. "Why didn't you tell me that you and Auntie Inko moved?" At this, the temperature in the room dropped and Midoriya released a deadly aura. When Bakugou looked at Midoriya's eyes he saw nothing in them. They had been clouded over by anger. Bakugou quickly let go of his wrist being frightened by his childhood best friend for the first time in years. "You don't know anything that has happened. Your ego clouds everything." Midoriya gazed up at Bakugou to see his normally angered face turned into one of terror. "Tch, she's dead you asshole. She fucking died four years ago in front of me and you didn't fucking know nor care."

"W-what do y-you mean Auntie Inko's dead?"

"Are you dumb? She was murdered. She's not here anymore you dipshit and I have to go. Goodbye Bakugou." Midoriya left. Bakugou just stood there in shock.

Midoriya's POV-

It took all my strength not to cry until I got home. 'Why the fuck did I have to run into him of all the people on this Earth?' I shakily unlocked my door and shut it. Tears started running down my cheeks. 'I need to cut right now.' I stood up wobbling and walked over the bathroom. I quickly shed off all my clothes and steeped in the shower with my blade box. My shaking hands started to cut into my arm. 'One, two, three, four, five-' I winced when I moved because of the water hitting my cuts. 'Six, seven, eight, nine, ten...'

I kept cutting until I started to feel light-headed. When I finished I wrapped my arm up and got dressed. I stared at my arm with a blank stare. I began to cry again. "I fucking was so close to stopping. Why did I do it again? I'm such a fucking failure." When I was done with my second mental breakdown of the day I turned off the lights and went to bed.

A/N- Cover art by me (:

True colors (Tododeku)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt