Part 9: End of the day

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Nishikata stood there, completely dumbfounded as he contemplated what Takagi-san just said. "I'm sorry ... could you repeat that? I think I misheard you."

"Well, what do you think I said?"

"Um ..." He began to blush. "I-it sounded like ... you asked me ... to be your boyfriend."

"Oh, sounds like you misheard then."

Nishikata let out a sigh of relief. "That's good, because for a moment there-"

"I told you that you have to be my boyfriend for losing the contest."

"Oh ... so ... I don't have a choice then."

She nodded. "Last time I asked if you wanted to be my boyfriend, you accused me of lying. Also, you had a choice not to compliment me."


"And, you bombarded me with compliments, even when I let a few compliments slide, and gave you a final warning. Not to mention, I told you that I would think about giving you a hint if you got me a drink, and I was going to tell you."

"Oh, speaking of which." He handed her the grape soda, secretly hoping that she would forget the entire conversation.

"Thanks." She said as she took the soda. "And as for losing the contest, you can pay up tomorrow."


"Well, I told my friends I would hang out with them today, and I'm not one to go back on my word, even if it is for my soon to be boyfriend."

Nishikata blushed and turned away. "I-I ..." He placed a hand on his chest to ease his racing heart. "Okay ... wait, does this mean we can't tease each other?"

"Of course it doesn't." Takagi-san replied. "Teasing you is what makes me happy, so of course I'm going to tease you even more when we're together."

"Oh ... so that's what-"

"That's not why I want this." Takagi-san interrupted. "So don't go assuming that this is only a means to tease you more."

"But it is at least partially."

She smiled. "I guess it kinda is, but like I said, I promised my friends I'd hang out with them today, so we'll start tomorrow."

"R-right." Nishikata stood up as Takagi-san smiled at him.

"Oh, wait, one more thing."


"Those girls, they insulted Houjou as well; they called her an annoying girl with a bad attitude."

"O ... kay?"

"Just thought you should know, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Y-yeah, I-I'll see you tomorrow." He walked away nervously as Takagi-san watched in amusement.

"Oh Nishikata." She began to shake as her lip began to quiver. "What did I just do?" She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. "It's okay, I'm okay, this is what I had planned ... but I'm still just so nervous." She took a deep breath, finally began to calm down a little. "He probably would have realized anyway ... but I guess  this is kinda payback."

Meanwhile, Nishikata is on his way back to his friends, trying not to walk awkwardly. 'I ... she actually wants me to be her boyfriend!' He forced himself to contain his excitement, less he attracted unwanted attention. 'But ... I completely chickened out. I never told her that I was sorry.' He looked up, his excitement mostly drained. 'I'll have more chances over the week ... won't I?' He continued walking until he got back to the others where, as soon as he got close, they all stared at him.

"Where have you been?" Hamaguchi asked.

"Just ... going for a walk."

"Yeah sure." Hamaguchi replied sarcastically. "Be real, you went to try and flirt with Takagi-san."

Nishikata began to blush but quickly shook his head. "I didn't ... flirt with her ... I just ..."

Takao shook his head. "Seriously Nishikata, you try and find any excuse to hang out with her, we're supposed to be celebrating the start of our summer. Not to mention you can talk with her whenever."

"I had a good reason!" He exclaimed.

"Oh yeah?" Hamaguchi asked. "What was that?"

"Well ..." He scratched his head and sat in his seat. "A pair of highschool girls insulted her ... and Houjou-san as well ... apparently, and I just wanted to make sure she was okay."

Hamaguchi's eyes went wide as Takao shrugged. "I guess that's a good reason."

"Wait, what do you mean they insulted them?" Hamaguchi demanded.

"Well, from what I heard, they said Takagi-san was flat with a giant forehead, and that Houjou-san was annoying with a bad attitude."

Hamaguchi bolted up and rushed over in the direction of the girls as Nishikata sighed and began to eat his bento. "You know, I don't think he even stopped to consider what he's going to say."

"Did you?" Kimura asked.

"Yeah, I told her that I heard what they said and not to listen to a word they said, basically what you would say to someone who was feeling bad about being insulted."

"You wasted a perfect opportunity to tell her that you love her." Takao stated.

Nishikata rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I know, and I had this whole thing planned and completely chickened out, can we stop talking about it now?"

"Well, at least you're being honest" Kimura stated as he finished his bento box.

A few moments later, Hamaguchi came trudged back with an embarrassed look on his face.

"So how did it go?" Nishikata asked.

"I ... really didn't think that through ... and took way too long to simply say they were wrong ... and then ran away."

Takao laughed as Nishikata simply smiled. "Yeah, that's about what I expected."

Trouble with loveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora