Ch. 15 - The Demons World [e]

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Chapter 15 - The Demons World
3.000 years ago
"The amount of our comrades disappearing is increasing!" I heard a female voice complain furiously.

"I'm aware of that" Zeldris spoke up, his voice as dark and emotionless as usual. Yet, he seemed to let out a sigh afterwards but I wasn't quite sure because I was standing at the other side of the conference room and listened to the Ten Commandments gathering. I usually stayed away from the other Commandments but Meliodas wasn't with them, not for the first time though. That he stayed away from his duties left his comrades in frustration, especially because they didn't know what he was doing at all. They would have not been pleased with their leader meeting up with a girlfriend from another race. But whilst Meliodas was gone all the time, something was wrong in the demon world recently. More and more demons didn't return to the demons world and many friends were counted as missing.
It wasn't therefore hard to see that today's event was a crisis meeting.

"Do you think they were killed by the gods?" asked Fraudrin.

"No. I can feel that my sister is still alive" Derieri continued.

"The only question is, for how long" Monspiet muttered angrily.

"Enough with the complaints" Zeldris said. He had somehow taken Meliodas' place ever since Meliodas stayed away from their meetings and now acted as the representative of their father, the Demon King, and was even able to borrow his powers.
I couldn't tell which brother I disliked more as the leader of the Ten Commandments. Meliodas had been really powerful and there was a time he never questioned his fathers orders but Zeldris followed them blindly and he had never been as nice as his brother. He was strict, obedient and assertive.
Whenever Zeldris was around other Commandments, I prefered to stay away from him because he seemed even more cold-hearted than usual. Not that he was paying any attention to me then anyway.

"I understand that you're concerned. But we can't act too hastily" Zeldris said. "I'm sure the other races are just waiting for a mistake."

"Zeldris, if you seriously expect me to sit here and wait for them to kill my sister, then-"

"Enough! We will meet again tomorrow. There is nothing we can do right now" Zeldris said with his voice rised and added after a short break: "Orders from above."
I hurried away from the door and to my own room before anyone could've catched me eavesdrop.

◊ ◊ ◊

I came back from the kitchen around two hours later, holding two mugs of ale in my hands. The door to my room was slightly open and a smile grew on my lips because I already knew who was inside. It grew even wider when I saw Zeldris frowning face because he couldn't find me.
"Right behind you" I said and leaned against the doorframe. "I knew you would come and look for me."

Zeldris turned around and raised his eyebrow at me. I wasn't sure if it was because of my comment or the two ales in my hand, which he grabbed one from. I walked over to my bed and patted on the empty space next to me, inviting him to sit down with me. "Are you okay?" I asked him but already knew the answer. "You're not going to talk about it anyway, are you?"

"Of course not" he said but let out a sigh and I could see how exhausted he was. There was a new frown on his face and his dark eyes seemed tired, his whole body tension more loose than usual. But Zeldris wasn't much of a big talker, especially when it came to himself. I was used to it by then and we often just sat together and enjoyed each others company. Therefore, Zeldris and I sat in silence once again, drinking our ales until he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm glad you're here" I broke the silence. Our drinks were almost finished. "It makes me feel less lonely."
But as usually, Zeldris didn't answer. Instead, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. He then squeezed my hand softly and I hoped that he wouldn't recognize my heartbeat(s) fastening.

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