Part 7 Butting heads

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Nishikata had finished changing, and was now on his way to meet up with his friends, who had told him that they found a few chairs near the side of the pool that were vacant. "I wonder if any of the others figured out why so many of the guys from school are here." He asked as he looked around. For better or worse, there were a lot of faces he recognized from school, but thankfully, it also looked like they were trying to have a good time, and not merely looking for Takagi-san. "I wonder what her angle was for the contest ... I mean I kinda want to know what she has planned, but I guess I'll have to figure that out later." He began stretching his arms as he walked. "For now, I have plans with my friends."

It didn't take him long to find them, he was the last one there, though Takao, Kimura, and Hamaguchi were still getting situated when he arrived. "Hey guys." He greeted.

"Glad you could make it." Takao replied.

"Well I didn't have much else planned." He said as he took the last remaining chair.

"So did you hear?" Hamaguchi asked. "About why so many guys from our school are coming here today?"

"I have my suspicions, I mean she told me yesterday that she was planning on going to the pool."

"Wait, Houjou told you what?" Hamaguchi asked.

"Houjou-san? No, Takagi-san told me she had plans to go to the pool today."

"Takagi-san as well huh? Doesn't matter, everyone's here mainly because of Houjou."

"Ha ha, no, they're here because Takagi-san is here."

The two of them glared at each other as Kimura and Hamaguchi looked at them with concern. "I think it's more a matter of which one they heard about first." Takao stated.

"No, they came here because those creeps wanted to see Houjou in a bathing suit." Hamaguchi retorted. "After all, she's the most attractive girl in our school."

"Um, no, Takagi-san is." Nishikata retorted. "And you're insane if you think that more guys are going after Houjou-san than Takagi-san."

"No, you're the insane one; you know, I caught someone trying to spy on her while she was eating lunch?"

"That's nothing, just the other day, someone tried to steal my phone just to get Takagi-san's number."

Kimura stood up and pushed the two apart. "Gentleman, please, neither of you are in a relationship with the girl you're talking about, so either stop your arguing, or go up to her and tell her that you love her."

Neither Nishikata nor Hamaguchi said a word, causing Kimura to let out a sigh of relief. "That's what I thought." He went back to his seat and laid down on the lounge chair as Nishikata and Hamaguchi stared at each other, not content with the outcome.

"Well ... in any event ... we came here to kick off the summer, so let's not dwell on it." Nishikata said.

"Yeah, even though we can't agree on the reason why so many other guys wanted to come here." Hamaguchi replied.

"Can we not start this again?" Takao asked.

"I think that's the most rational thing I've heard all day." Nishikata replied.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Hamaguchi added. "So, is someone going to stay here first and keep an eye on all of our things?"

"I'll do it." Kimura stated. "I'd be happy to stay and keep an eye on everything."

"Thanks, I don't want someone trying to steal my phone again."

"Did someone really try to steal your phone?" Takao asked.

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