Part 6 Arrival

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It was the following day, and Nishikata was making his way to where he usually meets up with Takagi-san, so they can go to the pool together. "I wonder if I should have left my phone at home." He said aloud. "Even if it is locked, someone might try to steal it ... and that would be bad."

He glanced over to the road to see Takagi-san walking up to him, carrying a bag, and wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts. "Morning Nishikata." She greeted.

"H-hey Takagi-san." Nishikata greeted back nervously.

She smiled mischievously. "Are you okay?" She asked as she walked up to him. "Your face is already red."

"No it's not!" Nishikata exclaimed as he turned away. 'Damn it, she's not even wearing a bathing suit yet and I'm already nervous. What am I supposed to do when we get there?'

"Are you going to be okay?" She asked as she walked around to get a look at his face.

He turned away again. "I-I'll be fine."

"I hope so." She extended a hand towards him. "So, shall we?"

"I ... y-yeah, sure." He hesitantly reached out and grabbed her hand while trying to look away.

They began walking together, hand in hand, as Nishikata tried to ignore his nervousness. 'This isn't that big a deal, right?' He thought to himself. 'We've held hands before ... this is nothing new ... I can totally handle this.'

"You know, you don't have to be so nervous about it." Takagi-san stated, catching Nishikata's attention. "We're just walking to the pool together, we're not even staying together when we get there."

"Y-yeah, I know." He replied. "I just ... I'm holding the hand of a girl who told me that she loved me a few days ago."

"Oh? But you think I'm lying." Nishikata didn't respond, causing Takagi-san to smile. "So you're finally starting to accept it, that means it won't be long now."

"Won't be long?"

"Don't worry about it, for now, let's just enjoy the pool." They continued walking for a bit before she looked up at the sky. 'Maybe ... you just need to get used to the idea.' She glanced over at him for a moment before looking back up. 'Let's see ... maybe I should try taking a risk.'

Neither of them said another word until they reached the pool. "Well I guess this is where we part ways." Takagi-san said as she let go of Nishikata's hand.

"Yeah ... I guess it is."

"Well, it would probably be best if I did it now."

"Did what?"

She began pulling up her shirt, causing Nishikata to grab her hands and stop her. "You're going to change here?" He asked, a little distraught.

"I already changed into my bathing suit before I left. You think I was going to change in the bathroom and give a bunch of boys the chance to spy on me changing through a window?"

Nishikata let go of her, allowing her to finish taking off her shirt, revealing her pink bathing suit. "See?" She said after she finished.

"I ..." He began to blush as he tried not to gawk at her. "It ... yeah."

"Hm?" She moved so she could look him in the eye again. "So? How do you think I look?"

"You look ... well ... didn't I already tell you the last time you wore that?"

She began thinking to herself. "Hm ... no actually, I don't think you did." A smile formed on her face as she began tying her hair into a bun. "I have an idea, how about a contest?"

"A contest?"

"Yeah, if you can go the whole day, without complimenting me on my bathing suit, or complimenting me at all, you win."

"Wait ... really? That's it?"

"Uh huh, but if you lose, the consequences will be ... different."

"Doesn't matter, I accept." He said eagerly.

"Oh really? Just like that?"

"It's an easy contest, so the penalty doesn't matter."

"If that's what you think, then okay." She leaned closer to him. "So how do you think I look?"

"You look ..." He quickly shook his head. "You really think I'm going to fall for that?"

She giggled. "I know, just making sure you're on your toes." She began walking away. "Anyway, I'll catch you later."

"Wait!" He called as he followed her slightly. "What ... what are the consequences?"

"Oh, that's a surprise."

"A surprise?"

"Yup, for when you lose."

She walked off, leaving Nishikata by himself. "I wonder ... did I make the right choice?"

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