First steps (A Short Story)

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I'm not spending another 50 chapters on Chi teaching kindergarten, so you'll only get a few highlights.

Chi was about one, and Nishikata was at work. Takagi was trying to get Chi to walk. She could walk holding onto something, but not on her own Takagi would follow Chi round the house while she clung to the couch or the table. She would give words of encouragement like,

TAKAGI: "Try letting go." "Try doing it like mommy."

And so on. Nishikata was about to arrive home so she was ready to give up for a bit, but then, just as she was going to go into the kitchen Chi let go of the couch and waddled towards her, eager to follow her mother. Nishikata then knocked on the door, and just as he entered, Chi fell over.

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