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Nishikata was running. As fast as he could. Takagi had gone into labour while he was in work, so of course he'd been allowed to leave early, but he could still miss it if he wasn't fast enough. He thanked the gods that he'd got a job as a PE teacher. He arrived at his house, grabbed his car keys and drove the rest of the way. When he arrived, he hurriedly gave his details to the receptionist before practically running to Takagi's room. When he arrived though, he wasn't allowed in, as she was actually giving birth, and they didn't want to stress her out even more. He tried saying that she wanted him to be there but the doctor assured him this was the right move. When he was allowed in, he walked to Takagi's side and said,

NISHIKATA: "I'm so sorry I missed it."

TAKAGI: "It's fine. You probably wouldn't have liked it much." *giggle*

NISHIKATA: "Yeah. Anyway, where is our kid?"

TAKAGI: "Oh, she's with the doctors for a bit, but she'll be back any second. I'll bet she can't wait to meet her daddy."

NISHIKATA: "Yeah." *blushes*

TAKAGI: "What are you blushing for?"

NISHIKATA: "No reason."

DOCTOR: "Okay, you're baby is healthy."

TAKAGI: "Oh that's great, where is she?"

DOCTOR: "Right here." *hands baby to Takagi*

NISHIKATA: "Our little Chi, so cute. Just like you."

TAKAGI: "What did you say?" *grin*

NISHIKATA: "Nothing."

TAKAGI: "You sure."

NISHIKATA: "I complimented you. Anyway it's over let's focus on the kid."

TAKAGI: "Okay." *giggles*

A few days later, they arrived home and Chi fell straight asleep. In her room where all the items needed that Nishikata had spent hours assembling, plus a few toys. Nishikata and Takagi watched there child rest felling happier than ever, and Takagi leaned on Nishikata's shoulder, whispering,

TAKAGI: "I love you."

NISHIKATA: "Me too."

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