Part 5 The last day of school

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It was the following day, and Nishikata was on his way to meet up with Takagi-san for the final walk to school before summer break. "I can't believe that it's finally here." Nishikata said to himself. "Summer vacation ... wonder what I should do first when it starts? Maybe I should ask Takagi-san what she wants to do." He paused. "Wait a second ... we do spend a lot of time together, don't we?" He began thinking to himself as he continued walking. "Come to think of it, the reason we hang out at all is, because of her. If she hadn't teased me, then I would never have tried to get her back, and we wouldn't have spent time together ... that's ... strange."

He continued walking until he got to the place where he was supposed to meet Takagi-san and looked around. "I guess she's not here yet." He waited there for some time, but no one came. "That's strange ... wait ... she's not ... upset with me, is she?" He checked back, hoping to spot her. "Where is she?"

He continued to wait, but eventually, he couldn't wait any longer, and was forced to go on without her. "She wasn't upset yesterday, and it's unlikely that she's sick." He continued thinking as he quickened his pace. "I ... I didn't ruin my chances with her, did I?" He quickly shook his head. "Who am I kidding? I never had a chance with her to begin with ... I mean, she did say that she liked me, but she just wanted to tease me, right?" He began to panic as he quickened his pace some more. "But ... I might not be able to think of why she would tease me like that, but that has to be it ... unless I've made a horrible mistake." He began running. "Crap!"

Elsewhere, Takagi-san was already in the classroom, finishing up the last of her day duties when Sumire walked into the classroom. "Morning Takagi-chan." She greeted.

"Morning." Takagi-san greeted back almost half heartedly.

"Did you not get enough sleep?"

"It's not that." Takagi-san began. "It's ... yesterday, Nishikata said I was one of the most attractive girls in the school, I thought that he was just saying that because he liked me, but ... I'm starting to think there was a little more to it than that."

Sumire giggled. "Well, I'm not surprised, how many guys are hitting on you?"

"It's more of guys talking about me when they think I can't hear them. I've never really bothered to pay attention to it before, but ... it's kinda unsettling ... having all those eyes just staring at you from a distance."

"Well sorry, but I don't know the feeling."

"I wouldn't get yourself down, I'm sure you will soon enough."

"Thanks, but I think I'll pass on the creepy guys stalking me part."

"I don't think you'll have a choice." She clasped her hands behind her back and smiled as she made her way back to her seat. "You know the old saying, boys will be boys."

"Yeah, well, let's talk about something less stressful, like our plans for summer." She began. "We're still going to the pool tomorrow, right?"

"You bet."

Back with Nishikata, he had just arrived at the school, and was doing his best not to run in the hall to get to the class. "If she's there, then I can ask her before class starts, if not, then I can assume that she's absent today." He said, trying to cheer himself up. "Yeah, I'm probably overthinking this, it's not as bad as I think it is."

A few moments later, someone began rushing up to him, calling his name. "Nishikata!" He called as he reached him. "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Huh?" He said as he turned to the guy in question; it took him a few minutes, but he recognized him from fourth period as someone who sat not too far away. "What is it?"

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