Part 4 reconcile and realization

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It was the following day, and Takagi-san was walking to school without Nishikata. "I guess he still doesn't want to talk to me." She said as she stared back at the area they usually met. "I know this won't last long, but I wish that he believed me."

Closer to school, Nishikata was also walking, thinking about the previous day. "Why did she have to lie to me like that? And she got my hopes up as well." He sighed. "Then again ... if she wasn't lying ..." He quickly shook his head. "No, that's impossible, she could never be in love with me." He looked ahead and continued walking. "She always teases me, and this time is no different ... though I'll probably get over it before the day is over."

A short time later, they both arrived at school and Takagi-san was making her way to class by herself, when Sumire ran up to her. "Takagi-chan!" She greeted. "So, did you take my advice, or did you chicken out?"

"I took your advice." Takagi-san replied, causing Sumire to freeze in shock.

"You ... you actually told him?!"


"I ... Well ... tell me, what happened!"

"Well, the short version, he didn't believe me."


"He thought I was trying to tease him."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, but it seems more like he doesn't want to accept that I like him."

"Why would he do that?"

"Because he doesn't think I could possibly like him."


"I'm not exactly sure, but ... it may have something to do with me teasing him too much."

"Ya think?"

Takagi-san sighed. "Yeah, he always thinks I'm trying to tease him now ... and I need to fix this."

"And how exactly do you plan to do that?"

"No idea."

Back with Nishikata, he had just arrived at his first period, and was waiting for class to begin. 'Why would she even try to tease me like that?' Nishikata began to feel nervous. 'Oh no, did she figure out that I like her?' He eased up and shook his head. 'No, even if she did, that would have only made it that much worse, and she wouldn't go that far. But it's not like she would have been able to tease me much with that to begin with. Best thing she could do, assuming she doesn't know that I like her, would have ultimately resulted in me being embarrassed about turning her down. That seems like going a little far for something so trivial for her. What's her angle?'

Nishikata began thinking harder and harder until an unsettling thought occurred to him. 'Wait, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense that she might have actually been-' He quickly, and violently, shook his head. 'No! She can't, she doesn't like me back, and that's just plain impossible! I can't assume something so weird and make an even bigger fool of myself. I'd ruin everything for nothing, and I won't do that.'

He glanced over at the entrance and saw Takagi-san walk in. 'Then again, every time I look at her, I can't help but hope.'

Some time later, school was finally getting out for the day, and Nishikata and Takagi-san were gathering up their things for the day. 'She hasn't teased me all day, I guess it must have something to do with yesterday.' He let out a silent sigh. 'But ... I need to talk to her.'

"Hey, Takagi-san?" He began catching her attention.

"Hm? What's up?"

"So ... are we still not talking to each other?"

"That's your call Nishikata." Takagi-san replied.

'I suppose it is.' "Well ... the one thing I can't figure ... why would you try to tease me like that?"

"Who said I was teasing you?"

"Oh, come on!" Nishikata said as he began grinding his teeth. "I know that you don't actually have feelings for me."

"Oh? But I told you, I never lie to you."

"There's probably some loophole where you can just repeat a lie that you once told me. But answer my question."

She sat there for a bit before smiling. "Why is it that you think it's impossible for me to like you?"

"Isn't it obvious? If someone made a list of the most attractive girls in our grade, then you would be right there at the top."

She shot him a playful leer. "Has someone made such a list?"

"What? No!"

"Well then, what does that have to do with it being impossible for me to like you?"

"Because you can get any guy in the school, so why would you want to be with me?"

"Ah, I see, you don't think you're worth it."

"Exactly! I've lost to you every time we've completed together, not to mention the only thing even remotely redeeming about me is how strong I am, and that's nothing."

"I wouldn't say that." She said with a sly smile. "You respect girls a lot more than any other guy in the school."

He turned away as he blushed slightly. "So I have basic human decency, big deal."

"It is a big deal, but aside from that, you do have one quality that's more important than anything else in the world."

"I-I do?"

"Yeah." She leaned closer as Nishikata began to blush. "You make me laugh."

Nishikata's blush slowly began to deepen until Takagi-san burst into laughter. "Nishikata, you blush so easily." She calmed down and smiled. "It's why I can't help but tease you."

Nishikata glanced at her, but as soon as he saw her smile, his heart melted. "Yeah well." He looked away again as a blush reformed on his face. "One of these days, I'm going to get you back, and then we'll see who's laughing."

"Oh, I think I'll always be the one who's laughing."

"We'll see about that."

Nishikata tried to calm himself. "So ... do you want to walk home together?"

Takagi-san looked at him, almost shocked. "Nishikata ..." A smile formed on her face. "Sure, I'd love to."

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