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The day after, Nishikata did actually have work, but then when he arrived home Takagi was dressed to go out, so he said,

NISHIKATA: "Where are you going?"

TAKAGI: "I'm waiting for you to get ready so we can go to our parents house."

NISHIKATA: "Oh we're doing that today?"

TAKAGI: "Yep."

So Nishikata got changed and they went out. First, they went to Takagi's parents house since she was more prepared.

TAKAGI: "Hi mum, how are you!"

TAKAGI'S MUM: "I'm great, so what do I owe the pleasure."

TAKAGI: "Well we have some news."

TAKAGI'S MUM: "You're not breaking up are you?"

NISHIKATA: "What, no!"

TAKAGI'S MUM: "Oh good, so what's the news? Wait is my daughter p-"

TAKAGI: "Um yeah, mum, I'm pregnant."

NISHIKATA: *blushes* "How did she beat you to that?"

TAKAGI: "She is my mum after all."

TAKAGI'S MUM: "So how long has she been pregnant?"

TAKAGI: "About a week. And mum, Id love to speak to you, but we still need to tell Nishi- I mean my dear husbands parents."

NISHIKATA: *blushes* "Um yeah."

So then, they went to Nishikata's old house. And this time Nishikata's dad answered the door.

NISHIKATA'S DAD: "How are you two? What brings you here?"

NISHIKATA: "Well um..."

NISHIKATA'S DAD: "You're wife is pregnant, right?"

NISHIKATA: "How did you-"

NISHIKATA'S DAD: "You've only been THAT awkward twice before. When you told us you were dating your wife, and when you said you were marrying her."

NISHIKATA: "I um, well..."

NISHIKATA'S DAD: "So what gender, have you got a name?"

NISHIKATA: "Dad! It's been a week!"

NISHIKATA'S DAD: "Okay okay, but what about the dog?"

NISHIKATA: "We haven't actually thought about that. It would be hard to raise a kid and have a dog, plus, she is getting on. What do you think honey?"

TAKAGI: "Um it would be tough, but who would take her?"


NISHIKATA: "Are you sure?"

NISHIKATA'S DAD: "Of course, anything for you two."

NISHIKATA: "Um okay, but we should get going now."

So they went home, but as they were about to go to bed, Takagi said,

TAKAGI: "You know, if it's a girl, we could call her Chi."

NISHIKATA: "You sure?"

TAKAGI: "Yeah."

NISHIKATA: "Okay then, fits perfectly I think."

And so their parents knew, and they had decided a name, if it was a girl...

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