Ch. 2 - Reaching the Boar Hat

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Chapter 2 - Reaching the Boar Hat
My night has come to and end the moment I felt that strong power and I know that it's most important to find Meliodas. Because if I am right with my fears, he must have felt that strong power, too. Yet, it's quiet and peaceful outside, like nothing has changed at all and I wonder if we're the only two people who are able to feel the change.

5.000 years ago
Meliodas led me further through the castle after a short conversation with Zeldris, who didn't stop giving me angry glares for whatever reason. But they were enough for making me feel uncomfortable. He opened a heavy door and led me inside to what would be my room from now on. But all the events in the last hours still felt like too much so I didn't feel like taking a closer look at my room at all. Instead, I followed Meliodas to the bed and sat down next to him.
"Now, what's the deal?" he asked me. "I haven't seen any demon before that was so scared to be in the demons world."

I began to nervously play with my fingers, trying to figure out what to tell him but all I could think of was: "I don't belong here."

Meliodas laughed and patted me on the back. "A demon that doesn't belong here? Now that's interesting!"
It almost hurt me to see how much Meliodas enjoyed my situation but then he realized that his words didn't cheer me up at all and his look on me softened. "I'm sorry, go on."

Remembering how my life went so far was nothing but hurtful and the first thing I said was: "Bastard". Then, my gaze wandered from my hands to his purple and black eyes as I tried to go on. "That's what they called me when they found out who I was. I don't belong here because I used to live in the human world."

"A demon in the human world?" he thought out loud but his gaze told me to continue.

"I was still a child when that power first came to the surface. I was playing with other children until they began to make fun of me and tease and bully me. I was desperate because they had stolen the only toy I had. I... I began to get mad and when I screamed at him to give it back, something like... like a power wave left my body and rushed towards one of the boys."
I still remembered how he flew across the street and landed hardly against a wood pile. Blood was dropping from his body so much, that it was hard to tell where exactly he was bleeding. I still remembered the sound of the other kids screaming and how they all ran away from me, scared and shocked of what they had just seen. The hurt boy looked at me terrified and two adults rushed over to him before one of them screamed "Bastard!" at me.

"She's a monster!" I heard someone else mutter and a second time someone called me bastard.

I tell Meliodas all of this and how I began to run away as soon as I was able to move again. But whilst I ran away, crying, the power inside myself didn't become less. The more fear I felt, the stronger felt the power.

That is how it started but things just got worse from then. Whenever I got mad or scared, this power escaped and caused nothing but big damage. And the older I got, the worse became the damage.

"My mother told me a few days ago that she can only do one thing for me" I close my explaination. "That's the last thing I remember before I woke up here. I don't know how I got here though..."

"I understand" Meliodas thought out loud. "So you're only half a demon, right?"

"Seems that way" I said nodding. "At least, my mother is only human."

Meliodas nodded as well and then put his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it softly. "I'm sure your mother sent you here because she would know that you'd find help. The damage you can cause here is far beyond from the damage you could cause in her world."

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