9 Months

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Takagi noticed about 2 weeks after the wedding. She felt dizzy occasionally and would sometimes throw up. Of course Nishikata noticed but never connected the dots, in the true Nishikata style.

Takagi bought a test one day and thought of a way to tell Nishikata, she knew he was shy about this entire thing, as she expected, it did come back positive, so she decided she would tell him when they were going to sleep that night.

// Time Skip //

TAKAGI: "Um hey Dear?"


TAKAGI: "Well, there's something I've been meaning to tell you, you know how I've been throwing up and all?"

NISHIKATA: "Yeah, is everything okay?"

TAKAGI: "Oh, yeah, the thing is," (Just do it) "I- I'm pregnant..."

NISHIKATA: "Wha-" *faints*

TAKAGI: "I thought that might happen."

// The Next Day //

Nishikata woke up and saw Takagi sleeping beside him.

NISHIKATA: "Is she really pregnant? Did I- Ahh! This is going to be the end of me. I want to believe it's a prank but she would never do something like that."

He went to the toilet and saw a discarded test in the bin. He picked it up and saw that his suspicions were true.

NISHIKATA: "Okay, so this is really happening. But, I don't know what to do and I just still feel like a kid, not a married adult. Come on, pull it together, for her. So what first? should we tell people, or should we focus on her? I'll ask her when she wakes up."

TAKAGI: *knocks* "Dear are you done? I really need to go!"

NISHIKATA: "Oh crap! Yeah sorry."

// A few minutes later //

TAKAGI: "So do you remember what I told you last night?"

NISHIKATA: "Yeah. Is there anything I need to do?"

TAKAGI: "Oh no, not yet, but I think we should tell our parents."

NISHIKATA: "Yeah..." *blushes*

TAKAGI: "Are you embarrassed about Something? Oh, is it the fact that W-"

NISHIKATA: "Nope, Nope! Anyway I've got work, bye!" *runs out* (Wait, it's Sunday) *walks back inside*

TAKAGI: *laughing*

Sorry if I've posted this twice or didn't update yesterday, my WiFi's been acting up also sorry if I get the honey/ dear thing mixed up

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