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Today was the day. Nishikata and Takagi we're getting married. They were both so so nervous. They arrived at the church at 13:00 and the ceremony began at 15:00. They each went into a certain room and began to change. Nishikata wore a black tuxedo, while Takagi put on a Kimono, because they had decided they would like a Japanese style wedding. Time dragged by so slowly, Nishikata sitting next to Kimura, the best man, who was trying to calm him down,

KIMURA: "Man just chill, the service is in half an hour, walk up there in 20 minutes.

NISHIKATA: "I know, I just never really imagined myself marrying someone like Takagi. To be honest, when we first met, I didn't want to. I mean she was cute n' all, but at first her teasing was so annoying."

KIMURA: "That's not true, deep down, from the moment you first met you liked her."

NISHIKATA: "We first met in kindergarten, we just never really clicked."

KIMURA: "Then when you first became friends. Anyway, come on man, it's almost time to go."


Meanwhile, Takagi was having her own panicked thoughts while getting changed, and it was Sumire who was tasked with looking after her, being the maid of honour.

TAKAGI: "Crap. I'm normally so composed, what's going on?"

SUMIRE: "I'm sure you're just nervous. Tell me, why did you first start liking Nishikata?"

TAKAGI: "Why?"

SUMIRE: "To distract you."

TAKAGI: "Okay, well, we first met in kindergarten, but we never really spoke. We were in different schools during elementary, but we met again in middle school. He arrived late after handing in my handkerchief that I'd dropped. That's when we became friends. After a few days, I started noticing how funny and kind and sensitive he was, plus he was kind of cute. I guess that's when I started liking him, and I started liking him more and more as time went on."

SUMIRE: "Well what gave you the courage to ask him out?"

TAKAGI: "After the summer festival in our second year, we held hands, but apparently that was a one time thing. It was then I realised that Nishikata was too shy to ask me out, because he hadn't fully realised his feelings, and he was scared of being rejected, so I decided that I would be the one to ask him out."

SUMIRE: "Okay, and look at that, you've calmed down, and it's time, let's go."

Nishikata was standing at the end of the aisle, sweating nervously. He saw Takagi walk onto the aisle with her father and gasped. She looked so beautiful. She approached the Altar and the priest began to speak. Just before they made their vows. Takagi whispered,

TAKAGI: "Remember not to kiss me until after the priest is done speaking."

NISHIKATA: "Wh- Of course!"

The priest looks at Nishikata before continuing to speak.

PRIEST: "Do you, Nishikata, take Takagi to be your lawfully wedded wife?"


PRIEST: "Do you, Takagi, take Nishikata to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

TAKAGI: "I do."

PRIEST: "Then you may now kiss the bride."

NISHIKATA: *Blushes, kisses*

Their first dance was to a song called 'can't fight this feeling', as it reminded them of their younger selves. (Couldn't get the link to work on phone)

//Later that day// 

The Nishikatas were back at home, and were chatting.

TAKAGI: "I'm so happy!"

NISHIKATA: "Me too, you looked beautiful."

TAKAGI: "Thanks! By the way, you can't call me Takagi anymore, so what now?"

NISHIKATA: "How about honey?" *blushes*

TAKAGI: "Sure, and I think I'll call you dear."


And with that, they began a new chapter of their lives, in a way...

Word Count: 623

P.S. Imma keep calling them Nishikata and Takagi in narration and script.

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