Holiday Special 10 (Ch. 50 Special)

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They woke up slowly the next day, and then realised something.

NISHIKATA: "Oh crap! We have to check out in half an hour!"

TAKAGI: "Does it have to be over?"

NISHIKATA: "Unfortunately. Anyway once you're awake, help me unpack."

TAKAGI: "Okay, but you should put a shirt on."

NISHIKATA: *massive blush* "Right."

They packed and checked out at the airport, but still had a while until their flight so they went for a walk.

Takagi had prepared a small lunch so they sat on a bench and began to eat.

NISHIKATA: "This food is amazing!"

TAKAGI: "Thanks." *slight blush*

NISHIKATA: "Where do you want to go after this?"

TAKAGI: "We could walk to the pier, though that might take a while, so unfortunately, I think we should head back now."

NISHIKATA: "Ah. Okay." *disappointed*

TAKAGI: "I'm upset too."

NISHIKATA: "Wha- How did you?!"

They finished their lunch and returned to the house, where they made their final preparations before returning the car to the rental.

They boarded their flight after passing through the airport. It was slow, but Nishikata and Takagi watched a movie together, Nishikata ministering every detail of his food.

There got to a point in the movie where the couple who where the main characters where on a plane like them but they were kissing. Takagi thought that this would be an opportunity to tease Nishikata, so she leaned in, pretending to try to kiss Nishikata, but he leaned in and began to kiss her.

TAKAGI: *blushes* (Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! He's actually doing it! Thank god it's so dark, he can't see my blush)

PASSENGER ON THEIR LEFT: [They were in the middle row with three seats, and they took up two of them] "Sorry, I don't want to disturb you, but I'm a bit tired, and I'm really sorry but could you possibly lend me some noise cancelling earphones, or be a little quieter, I'm so sorry."

NISHIKATA: *blush*

TAKAGI: "Sure." *pulls out noise cancelling headphones*

PASSENGER: "Oh um thanks." (Didn't expect that)

TAKAGI: "Continue?"

NISHIKATA: *blushes more* "Um sure." *kisses*

They arrived home, retrieved Takagi's headphones, which did not help the bystander, (😂) And went home for the night. They were getting married the week after.

Word Count: 400 more or less

Thanks to:


Also, surprise! I'mma follow all of you once this comes out! And thanks for the apology myname 👍

Btw I know this is 51 but it was 50 before the 100 votes thing.

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