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Author's note: I've decided to name the boy as Tsukimoto-kun due to him having similarities with Sanae.

As the mysterious figure disappears, Chi arrived at the home and opened the door but it was locked as she wonders where could her mom be? "Must be with dad and teasing him. She turns around, leans behind the door, and slowly slides down to a sitting position. Her thoughts ran as she remembers every moment from the classroom: From the moment, he steps closer to her as he kissed her forehead and the time his response was vague yet clear for her, she hides her face between her thighs in embarrassment. She lifts her head and sees a figure from the distance appears beside her. It slowly starts approaching her. It was too dark to identify who the figure is to Chi as it gets closer and closer. Chi jumps from her position and grabs her phone from her bag and uses the flashlight. She quickly positions it on the face and reveals to be Takagi. 

"Chi, didn't I tell you that you're not allowed to bring your phone to school?" Said Takagi scolding Chi.
"S-sorry mom," said the apologetic Chi.

Takagi gets her key from her bag and unlocks the door to their house. Chi gets in first then Takagi next but as soon as Takagi closes the door, she calls Chi's attention and asks her "How was school?" Chi felt stiff and scared but realized that she could just pretend that everything was normal and the same. "It was okay, nothing new really," said Chi. Takagi grins and asks her "Then how was dismissal? Why did you arrive late? You don't usually get home this late." Chi felt chills in every part of her spine as she tries to turn and sees Takagi smiling all menacingly. 

"I-I've got to do my assignments first so I gotta-" She was suddenly interrupted.
"Who was the boy?" The question made Chi blush and look away.

Chi attempted to find alternative solutions but couldn't find a way and so she gave up and said "I-I'm sorry mom, but t-there is s-someone I like" Said Chi covering her face from her in fear. Takagi bursts out in laughter

"Hahahaha, I'm sorry dear, I didn't mean to scare you." Said the giggly Takagi

The embarrassed Chi ran up to her mom and gently pounded her hands to her stomach as revenge. Takagi apologized and told Chi to sit on the table. 

"Care to tell me what's going on?" Asked the curious Takagi.
"W-well you see, t-there's this boy I-I'm currently teasing." Told the serious Chi while blushing.
"Oh, a boy huh, Who is he?"
"H-His name is T-Tsukimoto-Kun," Replied Chi.
"Please don't tell dad." Begged Chi.
"Don't worry, I'm not planning to tell either because he won't be able to handle it if he knew. If it makes you feel any better, let me you..."

The two laughed at her dad's previous contests and how he lost and he lost on purpose was to be with her. 

"There was this time, he challenged me to dodgeball after school. I told him to make a sceneif I was the ball, would you catch me? Then when I threw the ball, he leaped so high, he touched the ball not realizing he has to dodge it. That's when I know, it's meant to be." Said Takagi telling a story to Chi.

"What kind of games did he challenge you?" asked the curious mom.
"O-oh uh, the time I placed a book on the top of his head while he was asleep."
"Ara, did it work?"
"It didn't," Said Chi as her face turned into a frown.
"Oh my, does that mean he's teasing you?"
"EHH?! N-no i-it's not like that"

Takagi kept teasing Chi about being Nishikata until Chi got tired and heads to bed. Takagi cleans the table and arranges the chair until Nishikata arrived home. He brought home a bouquet of flowers and gave it to her in a fancy manner. Takagi covers her mouth with two hands in surprise and kisses him in return. Meanwhile, as Chi lies down and closes her eyes, the moment she wakes up, she is greeted with the young Takagi waking her up. She gets up and looks around her room, she's back in her dream. 

"You look like had you a weird dream," said the young Takagi.
"Something like that" Chi smiled at her and they both got out of her room. 

As they ate their breakfast, they head off for school, meets Nishikata on the way, and arrived at school. As they arrived at their classroom, Chi notices a person with familiar looks opening the same class door they went in. "Something about her looks familiar, just who is she?" Thought Chi to herself. She leans over to Takagi while looking at the girl's direction and asked 

"Hey, Takagi-Chan, do you know that girl over there? The one with that doesn't show expressions?"
"Oh that's Tsukimoto-San but they usually call her Sanae-san? Replied Takagi.

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