Holiday Special 9

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It was getting very close to the end of their holiday, but there were still things to do. Nishikata and Takagi were taking lessons that day, just for fun. Takagi, because she is Takagi, got the hang of it quite quickly while Nishikata struggled. Takagi managed to go quite far out and ride some decent sized waves, while Nishikata fell behind in both categories. He was lucky Takagi hadn't challenged him to a competition.

TAKAGI: "This is really fun."

NISHIKATA: (For you) "Yeah."

TAKAGI: "Come on, you're not that bad."

NISHIKATA: "I never said I was bad!"

TAKAGI: "But you thought it."

NISHIKATA: "I guess." (How does she do that?)

TAKAGI: "You know, I heard about a guy who proposed to his girlfriend while surfing."

NISHIKATA: "Really?"

TAKAGI: "Yeah, but he dropped the ring."

NISHIKATA: "Sounds like something I would do."

TAKAGI: "I don't think you'd do that, you'd be too carful, because I'm too important to you." *grin*

NISHIKATA: *blushes* "Well yeah I guess. Anyway let's get back to surfing."

TAKAGI: "Okay!"

They continued surfing until they were both exhausted. They returned to the hotel, ate a small dinner, and then promptly, fell asleep, ending there final full day on holiday.

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