Holiday Special 7

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On the seventh day of their holiday, Nishikata and Takagi were taking a ferry. They were going to the island prison Alcatraz, On the way, they saw some whales, so Nishikata quickly took a picture. They arrived at the island where they took a tour. They saw how the prisoners would live, how the security worked and the cells of some well known prisoners like 'the bird man' and Al Capone. They heard about daring escapes and some of the convictions. It was extremely factual, but very interesting. Eventually they got back on the Ferry and returned to the mainland. Takagi fell asleep on Nishikata's shoulder on the way back, and Nishikata almost fell asleep too, if the speakers had not loudly declared their arrival at mainland San Fransisco. They decided next to go to the Golden Gate Bridge. They decided to get a taxi to one side and then walk back, there was no real gain, but they'd like to walk it.

TAKAGI: "Hey Nishikata, you wanna have a contest?"


TAKAGI: "Whoever takes the least steps wins."


They began walking. As they approached the end, Nishikata asked,

NISHIKATA: "What are you up to?

TAKAGI: "Same as you."


TAKAGI: "Simple, you always match your pace to mine."

NISHIKATA: "I What? Oh."

TAKAGI: "So all I need to do is take one big step at the end, and... I've won."


TAKAGI: "I think, for your punishment, I want you to do 20 press ups instead of 10 for ever time I tease you tomorrow.

NISHIKATA: "Wha?!" (That's going to be tough!)

They slept at the hotel for one more night, as they would be leaving in the morning.

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