Holiday Special 3

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Takagi and Nishikata were excited for their next day abroad, because they were going to an amusement park. They had been to amusement parks before, but they were still excited.

When they arrived it was boiling hot, so they found a shady area and sat down,

TAKAGI: "So What should we do first?"

NISHIKATA: "Um, how about the Pirate ride?"

TAKAGI: "Sure, sounds scary, do you think you can handle it?"

NISHIKATA: "Wha- Of course!!"

They go to the ride and it begins to move, with a pirate monologuing in the background. After about thirty seconds, a 'ghost' jumps out at them causing Nishikata to jump, though he tries not to show it. After that, the ride gets bumpier and bumpier, as though they are on a choppy sea. They get splashed with water which causes Nishikata to yell in surprise.


TAKAGI: *giggles* "Oh Nishikata, you're so funny!"

They go into a 'whirlpool', which spits them out at the end off the ride.

TAKAGI: "That was fun!"

NISHIKATA: "Yeah sure." (I can't let her know I was scared)

TAKAGI: "Are you worried I'll find out how scared you were?"

NISHIKATA: "Wha- How? I mea, no!"

TAKAGI: "Oh Nishikata, you're so funny!"

NISHIKATA: (Guess that's her catchphrase now) "Anyway, where now?"

TAKAGI: "Um, let's get some cotton candy and then go on the Ferris wheel!"

NISHIKATA: "Sure, sounds fun!"

So Nishikata bought them both popcorn after losing a contest, and then the went on the Ferris wheel. Takagi had spotted the camera from the ground, so when they passed it, she brought Nishikata in to kiss him, which startled him until she whispered,

TAKAGI: *whispers* "Camera."

NISHIKATA: "Oh." *blushes*

The Ferris wheel went round once more, but then it broke down when they were at the top. They were told that it would only be five minutes, but they didn't care. There was a beautiful view of the sea from their current location, and the brake down allowed them to get better pictures. Before they knew it, the Ferris wheel resumed it's circuit and they returned to the floor.

Next, they went on one of the larger rollercoasters, where Nishikata was trying to keep a brave face, he saw that Takagi looked actually a small bit frightened, so he hugged her, which made her blush. When they got of, Takagi said,

TAKAGI: "Thank you."

NISHIKATA: "Anything for you."

The day was ending, but Nishikata bought Takagi a small key chain from the gift shop, after that, they began to make their way home.
Although they both still teased and messed about, our protagonists were very different to when their story first started.

Word count: 442 (Normally in the 200's)

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