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Nishikata was thinking. He was thinking about marriage. He knew that Nakai and Mano were getting married that summer, but he hadn't even started to think about marrying Takagi. He wanted to of course, but he just didn't know when or how to propose to her.

He thought about this for a week. He thought that he should take her out for the day and then propose to her at the end, so he started looking for things to do. He thought about going to a cafe, a theme park and a photo shoot, then returning to the tree they found a long time ago. He thought it was a great idea. He then started looking for a ring. They had spent a lot of his current income on the car, but he didn't want it to be cheap, so he began putting in overtime for the next month. He found a simple golden ring, and thought it worked perfectly, he was simple, she always won. So he went to the jewellery store after work and bought it. Now to commence his plan. He hoped it would go perfectly, though he knew no things really did...

Takagi-San. After the festival...Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora