New Beginnings

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School was over, they were now adults. The first thing Nishikata did was to look for a job. He found a job as a teaching assistant in PE, a good starting point for becoming a proper PE teacher. Takagi continued her part time job, so they had a bit of extra income.

Before the knee it, 6 months had passed. Nishikata's boss was pleased with his work and could possibly promote him at the end of the year. Takagi has adjusted to her life running the house, as well as her part time job. Nishikata returned from work one day with a surprise for Takagi.

He sat with Takagi for dinner, but after dinner took her out. They walked to a car dealership, and Takagi began to piece the puzzle together.

TAKAGI: "Nishikata are we going to buy a car?"

NISHIKATA: "Well, yeah. I was going to announce it but whatever."

TAKAGI: "Do we have enough money?"

NISHIKATA: "If it is relatively cheap sure!"

TAKAGI: "Thank you so much!"

NISHIKATA: "It's nothing."

TAKAGI: "Stop lying."

NISHIKATA: "It's fine honestly."

So Takagi picked a 18 plate 4 seater Toyota (second hand) for £8,000 (Don't ask me to switch yen and pounds, it confuses me) drove it around, signed some paperwork, then went home.

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