Number 1

351 6 1

New year was approaching, and both Nishikata and Takagi were very excited. They were going to head up to the shrine, make wishes and watch the fireworks together.

When they arrived, the festival was just about kicking off, and there weren't that many queues for the food stalls and such, which they were thankful for.

NISHIKATA: "Hey Takagi, how about a contest?"

TAKAGI: "Sure, What kind of contest?"

NISHIKATA: "A shooting contest. Loser buys snacks."

TAKAGI: "Sure sounds fun, but be prepared, I'm quite the sharpshooter..."

And that she was, she eventually, and inevitably, won, and Nishikata bought them some Takoyaki and some candies apples. The fireworks would happen just after new year, so they made their wishes and found a comfy spot on the hill and sat down.

TAKAGI: "This sure is comfy huh?" *leans on shoulder*

NISHIKATA: *light blush* "Yeah, sure is..."

TAKAGI: "Hey Nishikata."


TAKAGI: "We haven't made our wishes yet."

NISHIKATA: *processes words silently* "Oh crap! If we run we can make it if you're really that bothered."

TAKAGI: *giggles*

NISHIKATA: "What? Wait... Takagi! How could you? We've already made our wishes!"

TAKAGI: "I know I'm sorry, but your reactions are just too priceless."

They sat back down and waited for new years day to approach. Eventually they heard the crowd begin to chant, 

CROWD: "60, 59, 58..."

TAKAGI & NISHIKATA: "Oh, um 57, 56..."

//51 seconds later//

ALL: "... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy new year!"

NISHIKATA: (I hope my wish for Takagi to be happy with me forever comes true)

TAKAGI: (I hope my wish for Nishikata to be happy with me forever comes true)

NISHIKATA: (She looks so happy) "I love you..."

TAKAGI: (Huh?) *blushes* "Me too..." (That caught me off guard, though I don't know why.) *hugs*

And then it was Nishikata's turn to blush.

Should I upload like one or two a day, and save extra for later days, or should I just upload whenever possible (could end up with like 4 in one day if I write that much)? 

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