Number 2 (A short Story)

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Nishikata woke up one morning, and he was in a bad mood. Takagi was at work until later in the afternoon, and he had no homework, manga or anime to catch up on. He took Chi for a walk and began to watch sports. He had put on just the first thing in his drawer as they wouldn't have time to go out, and he didn't have the energy to care. He went back to bed for another 2 hours until Takagi returned. He took out some food he made earlier and began to defrost it.

TAKAGI: "You okay?"

NISHIKATA: "Yeah, just a bit bored."

TAKAGI: "Aww so you missed me?"

NISHIKATA: "Yeah," (I'm to tired to blush) "but what part of "just a bit bored" says I missed you?"

TAKAGI: I can just tell. Also, you know what else I can tell, you're tired."

NISHIKATA: "How'd you figure that one out?"

TAKAGI: "Because, you still haven't noticed we're wearing the same shirt." (This'll wake him up)

NISHIKATA: "Huh?! Oh yeah, what a coincidence."

TAKAGI: "Sure..."


TAKAGI: "Nothing, let's eat."

NIAHIKATA: "Sure, okay."

And he was nine the wiser.

P.S. Sorry if I keep changing my paragraphing style, I'm switching between phone and laptop.

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