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After that internal breakdown Chi had, she fell asleep while still turning red and feeling uncomfortable. The next day has come and Chi woke up sleep-deprived from last night. She sat on her spot for breakfast, Nishikata on the other spot. Takagi comes in with fresh omurice with little writings on the egg with ketchup. Chi, still tired from last night, attempts to gather energy and successfully eats her breakfast. Chi prepares her clothes for school while Nishikata is ready to head off to work. He kisses Takagi on the cheek and Chi's widened and twitched her body to a shock. Nishikata and Takagi noticed her reaction. 

"What's wrong Chi." Asked Nishikata.
"N-nothing dad," replied Chi hesitantly.

Nishikata looks at his watch and realizes he's about to be late so he quickly kissed her and left. Takagi looks at Chi with a smile and "Chi, since you still have a lot of time, I want to ask you something, do you have someone you like?" Chi stood frozen after hearing her words. She hesitated to turn to look at her and stood for what felt like hours. She takes a look at the clock and sees she's about to be late so she quickly packed her bag and starts rushing to the door while excusing herself to her mom really fast for her to understand. The door shuts in front of her and starts giggling then leads to a laugh. A tear dropped on her eye and said: "I'll ask her again after school."

Meanwhile, Chi walked to school looking flustered and facing down focusing less on her surroundings until she bumped on someone. She trips back and expects the impact to be painful until her arm prevented her from tripping as if something is hanging on to her like a savior preventing his friend from falling off a cliff. Chi looks at her savior and sees the boy once again. "Be careful," he said to her. Chi turned red and her instincts kicked in and ran away from him. The boy reaches out his arm and attempts to stop her but she was too fast.

"For a non-athlete, you sure are fast." Thought to himself.

Chi kept running away from him while closing her eyes. She ran faster as she thought of that single moment she kissed him until an arm grabbed her collar which caught to stop running around. She looked back and sees the terrifying Tanabe-sensei JR. yelling at her to stop running. She felt apologetic and starts to cry but a voice distant from them starts getting louder. The boy comes in and explains to him that it's his fault too. Tanabe-sensei screams at them and tells that their punishment is too clean the homeroom after class. The two agreed without hesitation and went inside the school.

As they went in their homeroom, Chi couldn't handle staring at him, let alone her left side. She proceeds to cover her left view with her hand and listened to the lecture. Soon after, her hand started getting and as she dropped her hand, a crumpled ball paper coming from the left side landed on Chi's table. She unfolds it and writing reads "Do you like me?" Chi screamed internally and blushed harder while trying her best not to scream fearing what Tanabe-sensei might do with her punishment. Another crumpled paper lands on her, she unfolds it and it reads "Let's have a talk during dismissal." Chi looks at the boy and he's staring at the window. She looks back and mentally prepares herself. "Inhale...Exhale" Chi slowly took deep breaths and calmed down and continued listening with the lesson.

The class has dismissed and the two were cleaning the homeroom without looking at each other. One last chair arranged and they're done. Chi panics internally and attempts to take deep breaths. She turns around calling him and he's seen face to face at her. Shocked by the distance, Chi drops her broom and takes a step back, he steps forward acting all stoic. They both took steps until Chi's back is met with a wall. The boy places his hand on one side, then the other, leaving Chi unable to escape. He faces closer to her and Chi closes her eyes hoping for the best. The boy places his hand on her head and kisses her forehead. Chi looks up and trembles heavily. She covers her forehead with her hands while the boy lets go of his hands and proceeds to grab his bag which is close to the door. Chi stood at the wall not knowing what to say when suddenly.

"About my question earlier, that's my answer." Said the boy looking at her showing a barely visible blush then starts to leave.

Her eyes sparkled after hearing his answer and thought to herself: "Does he like me?". Chi took off and left the school grounds. She walks slowly and the thought of the boy possibly liking her held her cheeks and giggle but forced herself and starts walking home seriously. Meanwhile, behind her in a distance is a figure behind a pole.

"Ara Ara" Said the figure behind disappearing.

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