Number 3 pt. 2

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They woke up the next day, and went to the lobby for breakfast. Takagi teases Nishikata when he asked for cereal, but he stood by it, becoming more resistant to Takagi's teasing. That is until she got him to agree to let her feed him. They went upstairs, freshened up, and prepared for the concert. They ate lunch, just before heading out for some sightseeing. They saw many famous buildings, visited a manga shop to get the new volume of 100% crush, and then took a train to the venue. When they arrived they were in shock, it was huge! There was already a big line, which was surprising, since there were still 2 hours. Because of this, they decided to get food inside.

Nishikata ordered some burgers, and then went to find Takagi. To his dismay, he couldn't find Takagi. He got increasingly worried, as the venue was getting more packed. He decided to head to his seat, but Takagi wasn't there either. He called her, but she wasn't picking up. He assumed she'd gone to the toilets, so he sat down and began to eat. As the support band finished their final song, Nishikata got extremely worried. He called her once more, but as he did, the echo of a ringing phone filled the stadium. Nishikata could never have believed what happened next...

Nishikata couldn't believe it. Takagi walked on to the stage and answered the phone.

TAKAGI: "How are you?"

Heads swivelled, as people sitting near him realised he was the caller.

NISHIKATA: "Takagi, what's going on?"

TAKAGI: "Well, I do suppose I owe you an explanation. You see, one of the band members was doing a signing, and I just had to get one. As I approached, I had an idea, so I asked him, "Hey, I know this is a lot to ask, but could I have a favor?" He replied, "What kind of favor?" and I asked if I could go on stage to tease you. He thought that sounded hilarious, so he agreed. Isn't that funny?"

NISHIKATA: "Takagi!"

TAKAGI: "Anyway see you soon!"

Takagi left the stage with the crowd in uproar, and the band began to play. Both of them enjoyed the concert, though Nishikata couldn't believe that even the band he was watching wanted to tease him. Takagi looked at him and said,

TAKAGI: "Stop thinking and enjoy the concert, please?"


So that he did. He watched the show with Takagi by his side, loving every minute. At the end, the band released balloons on the ceiling, which popped, dropping some signed hoodies. Takagi was away in the bathroom, so Nishikata tried to catch one for her. No one else in his surroundings seemed that interested, so Nishikata managed to grab one. When he flipped it, he realised it read, 'Hey Nishikata!'. He sat there for a bit as what happened sank in. The surrounding people must have been in on it aswell. He looked to the stage where he saw one of the band members wave. He couldn't beleive it. He turned to the exit, and of course, Takagi was there, laughing herself to death.

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