Hero Names

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-Shoto Todoroki's POV:

As we were sitting before class officially begun, I couldn't stop thinking about how it was my last night with Izuku before he went back to his old home with his mom, and i with my family and father. I was certainly going to miss watching movies with him, along with cooking and other things.

I looked over at Midoriya's desk only to see him writing something down on his notebook as usual.

He taught me so many things in those few days we lived together and it brought us closer than we were before. I learnt not only basic things that most people my age know, but also a lot more about Izuku. I'm honestly very grateful for the time we spent together.

The room started filling up slowly and idle chatter started getting louder.

I glanced up at the clock hanging on the wall.

'Three more minutes until class officially begins.' I thought.

With the time to spare, I started eavesdropping on the conversations. Most were about the festival and how people were recognizing us, which is true. I got recognized more than usual as the child of the number two pro hero.

"I got so embarrassed, everybody was staring at me so intently!" Gushed the invisible girl.

"Yeah, me too!" Exclaimed the red-head, Kirishima.

Sero sighed and slumped forward in annoyance. "I got consoled with "Don't mind!" calls by freakin' elementary school kids!"

"Don't mind!" Someone else repeated after his statement.

"We became the centers of attention for just one day!" Someone cheered at the front of the classroom.

The class was now full of chatter and every seat was now occupied with it's rightful student.

Bell rang and Aizawa stepped into the room, quickly ending the conversations. "Morning." He grunted.

All his bandages were finally off and he looked less like a mummy, but more dead physically. Everyone seemed to notice his appearance and seemed to question what they should say to him.

The frog girl broke the silence with a simple 'Good Morning' and how she was glad that the bandages were finally off.

With his usual bored expression he spoke. "The old lady got overdramatic with the treatment, but let's put that aside. Today's hero informatics period is a little special." Everyone in the class seemed to tense up and hold in their breaths until he spoke. "It's time for your codenames. Your hero names."

The class jumped up and erupted into loud cheering. Aizawa-sensei's hair floated up, causing everyone to sit back down and silence. He explained how this was important for later on. "Now, the tally of nominations are as follows." He motioned towards the board where our names were projected with numbers next to them; mine being at the top with the highest amount of numbers. "Typically the results are more balanced, but this year all the attention leaned towards two of you."

Denki leant back on his seat and groaned. "Damn it's so clear it's practically black and white!"

"Those pros have no discerning eye." The sparkly male chimed in with a huff.

The class kept talking and I grew annoyed, so I just went deep into thought about what my name should be.

After a while, the class quieted down and turned their attention towards the female pro-hero: Midnight, who had just entered the classroom. "The names you pick now, the names you come to be known by the world as now; in many cases they stay that way after becoming pros!"

"MIDNIGHT!!!" Most of the class cheered.

"Well, she is correct. I'll be having Ms. Midnight evaluate your naming sense. Since I definitely can't." Aizawa mumbled before going back to his sleeping spot behind his work-desk.

The class was handed whiteboards and markers so we could present them to the whole class and get them approved by the R-Rated Hero.

I glanced over to the messy green-haired male sitting a few rows in front of me. He seemed to be lost in thought the entire time, contemplating name ideas or something else that was on his mind. Izuku seemed to glare at the board almost in disgust, but that might've just been my bad ability to read people's emotions.

Some people came up to the front with horrible names and some that were actually decent. Midnight approved some and helped edit some until there were just a few people left.

After Yayorozou finished explaining her chosen name I walked towards the front with the board clutched tightly.

"Shouto" I said plainly getting a few confused remarks.

"WHAT?!" Midnight exclaimed. "JUST YOUR NAME?! ARE YOU SURE?"

"Yep." I replied simply before heading back to my seat.

I turned to look at Izuku at a sad attempt to peek at his board to see what he would pick as his name.

He looked my way and gave me a smile with thumbs up before facing the front of the class again. A small feeling of warmth creeped up my face which I hid by laying my head on the desk and covering my face with both of my arms.

Minutes passed by with a bunch of better names (not counting Bakugo's) before Izuku finally made his way up front.

He awkwardly placed the board down and faced his classmates. It caught me by surprise what he wrote down and so did most of the class apparently. Some people asked if he was sure which he only replied with a simple "Yeah."

"Up until now I hated this name... but a certain somebody changed the meaning of the word for me..." He smiled and his face grew a slight shade of pink and looked at the table like it was the most interesting thing at that moment. "They blew up my world wide open... I was so happy. This will be my hero name."

The spiky haired ash-blond was fuming more than usual with annoyance.

A feeling in the pit of my stomach sank with those words. 'Who was he talking about? Who could this person be?' I asked myself now feeling anxious. 'I'll ask him after class or when we get back to our current living space.' I nodded agreeing with the idea.

He made his way over to his desk and started mumbling

We got handed a few papers with the names of the pro heroes and their agencies. I read over some of the names at the top.

"Choose one. Turn them in by the end of the week."

'Two days to pick.' I thought.

The class broke out into conversations with their friends as I kept going over all of the names on the stapled sheets of paper handed over to me.

The most logical pick for me was my father's agency due to the fact that we shared the same quirk. I need to use my left.

It's my quirk after all.


Short chapter I know... sorry!

I need ideas on who should Midoriya intern with since he doesn't have "One For All".


I don't deserve your attention! :')

You're awesome! Yes YOU.

Have a great rest of your day! :)

If you need anything feel free to talk to me! I don't mind chatting with you guys!

- A crusty ass author

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