Number 9 (A Short Story)

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It was cold. One of the coldest days of the year. School had been shut, as the fields had frozen over and the heating system was broken. Nishikata and Takagi had been sitting at home, watching TV. They watched the sports, since that's what Nishikata wanted to watch, until Takagi challenged him to a fight on a game, Nishikata inevitably lost, and Takagi got to watch anime. Nishikata was fine with that, and he thought Takagi secretly knew that. After finishing watching TV and eating some food that Takagi had made, Nishikata said,

NISHIKATA: "That was amazing Takagi! I think I'm going to go to bed now though, I'm really tired."

TAKAGI: "I'll come with you."

NISHIKATA: "Are you sure?"

TAKAGI: "Yeah, it'd be boring without you anyway."

NISHIKATA: "Really?" *blush*

TAKAGI: "Yep!" *lies down*

After about five minutes, the cold air of the night began to set in and Takagi got quite cold. When Nishikata saw her shivering he said,

NISHIKATA: "Are you okay? You look kind of cold."

TAKAGI: "Yeah, I'm fine."

NISHIKATA: "You sure? You can have my bit of the blanket if you want."

TAKAGI: "But then you'll be cold."

NISHIKATA: "Honestly, it's fine, here." *hands over blanket*

Takagi was filled with an emotion containing happiness, love, contentedness and gratefulness.

TAKAGI: (What is this feeling? I feel so warm inside, I feel... complete)

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