Part fifty-nine

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(Bucky's POV) -what?????

I watched her go through the door with a smile on her face.

She was a strange kid. Although not much stranger then me really.

And honestly, she was right. She did understand me. And I understand her. I didn't know anyone else that had undergone what I had. And even if it wasn't exactly the same, she did know what it was like to be their puppet.

I knew that if there was something she could relate to, it was that.

I looked at notebook she set on the table. Picking it up I flipped through it.

It was full of sentences that I scribbled of things I remembered glimpses of, names, numbers, a few drawings, but the majority of it was filled to the brim, with things I slightly remembered.

A name, a place, a number, a face, a smell, a noise.

Maybe she was right. I could ask. But something in the back of my mind, was saying not to. Not to trust anything anyone said.

But I didn't want to live like that anymore. I wanted to be out of Hydra's control.

And maybe to do that, I need to start over.

Go against the programming in my head.

I sighed setting the book down. I grabbed a bag and started stuffing things in it.

Some clothes, a extra pair of gloves, a few candy bars, a map.

Next I grabbed a backpack, filled it with the notebooks I had written in, and zipped it up.

I'd leave in the evening.


I walked down the street backpack across my back, bag on my shoulder, listening to the snow crunching under by feet.

It was all quiet, until a loud bang went through the air.

I looked up at the night sky and saw ash and smoke drifting up over the buildings.


(Chloe's POV)

I jumped out of the way as she ran at me.

She was fast. Like REALLY fast.

She glared at me and in a flash she was gone.

"Uh...Sam? Did you see that?" I asked raising my hand to my ear.

"Yeah. Where did she go?" He spoke.

"I don't know! She was just here and then she disappeared! People don't just disappear!" I threw my arms in the air as I turned in a circle looking for the woman.

"Chloe, if the girl can disappear, she could be anywhere." Sam said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh really? Thank you Sam. I didn't thi-"

"Chloe watch out!" Sam cut me off just in time for something to connect with my jaw.

I flew backwards and slammed into the wall with a sickening thud. "Ow." I hissed in pain. "Thanks Sam."

"You're weak." She taunted as she disappeared again.

Okay. This is getting old.

I grunted pushing myself off the floor. "And if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were scared to fight me." I smirked looking around.

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