Number 10

537 9 7

As the second year of being at the academy began, Nishikata went to the water park with Takagi. Nishikata still slightly blushed when he saw Takagi in her swim suit, but it had gotten easier since they had started dating. The day began quite normally, Nishikata losing and Takagi teasing him. Nishikata had bought them both drinks after losing a contest. They splashed about in the water and had a really good time. They raced down water slides until they came up to the one that Mano had heard the rumour about. They walked up to it holding hands, reminding Nishikata of the rumour. His blush deepens, but he decides to be romantic for once and he says,

NISHIKATA: "Hey Takagi, do you want to ride the water slide together?"

TAKAGI: "Sure!" *slight blush*

NISHIKATA: "Takagi did you blu- actually nevermind."

TAKAGI: (Phew! He didn't notice my blush. Wait, did he notice my blush and not mention it? Has he been doing that for weeks? Poor him, it must be killing him. I think I'll hold back on the teasing today)

They reached the slide and began to take the stairs up. They decided to race but got wiped out until Takagi decided to tease Nishikata by saying,

TAKAGI: "Hey, let me give you some air." *leans in to kiss*

NISHIKATA: "Takagi! What are you doing?"

TAKAGI: "What? You didn't like it?" *pulls sad face*

NISHIKATA: "What? No! It's just I didn't want you to run oout of air."

TAKAGI: "Is that all?"

NISHIKATA: "And I was a bit worried about falling."

TAKAGI: "And?"

NISHIKATA: "And you sort of caught me off guard."

TAKAGI: "There it is."

NISHIKATA: "Wait, you wanted that to happen?"

TAKAGI: "Anyway, it's our go!"

NISHIKATA; "Wait, Takagi!

TAKAGI: "I'll go in front!"

NISHIKATA: (No point bringing it up know, that was porobably the whole point) "Sure, where should I go."

TAKAGI: "Um, I could sit between your legs?"

NISHIKATA: "What?" *blushes*

TAKAGI: "Oh come on, it's not that bad. Anyway we're holding up the line."

NISHIKATA: "Fine." *sits down, blushes*

TAKAGI: "Weeeee! This is so fun. Isn't it NIshikata?"

NISHIKATA: "Yeah." (Sometimes I forget just how childish she can be) "I love you..."

TAKAGI: *blushes* (Thank god I'm in front, though he probably wouldn't have said anything anyway. He's too kind) "Me too."

Splash! they landed at the bottom laughing with each other , they then got out and dried off. As they left Takagi thought,

TAKAGI: (Ah. What an amazing day! I'm going to remember this forever) "Hey Nishikata?"


TAKAGI: "Your fly is down."

NISHIKATA: "What?!" *blushes* (Oh wait, she's teasing me!) "Takagi!"

TAKAGI: *giggles*

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