Graduation day!

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They woke up in the morning, and took the normal route to school, though one thing was different. It was their last day. They spoke to Nakai and Mano, asking what they would do
once they got out of a school.

TAKAGI: "So what would you do Mano?"
MANO: "I think I might just stay at home, keep it clean."
NISHIKATA: "What about you Nakai?"
NAKAI: "I'd love to be a gym teacher, but I'm fine with any teaching job."
NISHIKATA: "Really, me too!"
TAKAGI: "I think I might stay at home like Mano, keep the house tidy, look after the kid..."
NISHIKATA: *blushes* "What?! We don't have a kid!"
TAKAGI: "Yeah, I mean when we're older."
NISHIKATA: "Yeah, I knew that, anyway we're here let's go!"

With that, they approached the school, and the ceremony began half an hour later. The principal thanked them for their hard work and wished them well in the future, while the choir sang some songs about saying farewell and moving on. At the end awards were presented, and,

PRINCIPAL: "And, most academic progression goes to Takagi!"
TAKAGI: *stays seated*
NISHIKATA: "Takagi what are yo-"
PRINCIPAL: "Actually it goes to Nishikata!"
TAKAGI: *giggles*
NISHIKATA: (Even the principal!)

There was a small party afterwards, and they were told that they would be missed and had promising futures. Nishikata was touched by this, but Takagi said,

TAKAGI: "Nishikata, are you about to cry?"
NISHIKATA: "What, no!"
TAKAGI: "Are you sure?"
TAKAGI: "Okay then..."

They left shortly after, and when they got home Takagi said,

TAKAGI: "I'm proud of you."
NISHIKATA: "Thanks. I'd be more excited, but I'm just really tired." *falls asleep*
TAKAGI: "Okay." *kisses cheek then also falls asleep*

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