The day before graduation

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In one room of their house, Nishikata was getting ready for his classes graduation. Takagi was getting ready in another room of their house. Once she was ready she walked into Nishikata's room but when she entered Nishikata yelled,

NISHIKATA: "Takagi, what are you doing?! I could have still been getting changed!"
TAKAGI: "Even you wouldn't take this long to get changed, plus does it really matter? You could be being strangled by a tie, and I'm just meant to wait until you come into my room? What if I was getting changed?"
NISHIKATA: " I guess."
TAKAGI: "So what where you doing?"
NISHIKATA: "Just thinking about the last year, it went by in a flash."
TAKAGI: "Yeah. I have an idea, why don't I think of 10 highlights and you have to guess who caused them?"
NISHIKATA: "Okay?" (Who caused them? Oh, she means like if I took her on a date then I caused it)
TAKAGI: "Are you ready?"
NISHIKATA: "Yeah. For number 10, I think you caused it."
TAKAGI: "Nope! for number 10, you took me back to the water park where we rode the slide together!"
NISHIKATA: "Okay, I think Chi caused number 9."
TAKAGI: "Ding ding ding! I'm only kidding, it was you again. When I was cold, you lent me the blanket even though you were cold too."
NISHIKATA: "Okay, did I cause number 8 as well?"
TAKAGI: "Nope. Chi caused number 8 when she found the necklace you bought me in the grass after I tripped and lost it."
NISHIKATA: "Okay, did you cause number 7?"
TAKAGI: "Yep! One point. When I took you to the candy shop I said I'd buy your candy if you could kiss me and you did. I was so happy for you winning as well as the kiss."
NISHIKATA: "Yes! Did I cause number 6?"
TAKAGI: "Yes. It's when you got called into work but you still texted me because I didn't see you when I got back."
NISHIKATA: "Two points! I think Chi caused number 5." (I haven't won with Chi yet, so it must be her)
TAKAGI: "Nope! Back on a losing streak. It's when I got you a handkerchief that said 'Nishikata' in dark blue."
NISHIKATA: (Darn it!) "I think Chi." (I haven't got a point from her yet so I'll keep going)
TAKAGI: "Correct! It was the time I hurt my hand and Chi ran over and started licking my face to cheer me up."
NISHIKATA: Number 3 was caused by you, at least I think so."
TAKAGI: "No, it was the concert."
NISHIKATA: "Okay, was number 2 caused by me as well?"
TAKAGI: "Nope. It was when we both wore the same shirt one day, it was so funny!"
NISHIKATA: "Who caused it?"
TAKAGI: "Me, just secretly."
NISHIKATA: "Ah. So was number one me?"
TAKAGI: "Correct. Number one was when you told me you loved me at new year!"
NISHIKATA: "Oh yeah."
TAKAGI: "Anyway, let's get an early night so we're ready for tomorrow."
NISHIKATA: "Good idea."

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