It's fine go... Pt. 2

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 When Nishikata got home he went straight to bed. He was woke up by Takagi lying down next to him,

NISHIKATA: "What are you doing? We're not dating."

TAKAGI: "Are you kidding me? I'm not going to dump you just because you lost a race.


TAKAGI: "Oh come on! I don't care about the rules. You think I'm going to date some cheating 3rd year because you lost a race. I got my teacher to stop him from bothering us."

NISHIKATA: "Thank you, I love you so much." *kisses*

TAKAGI: *blushes* "Thanks."

NISHIKATA: "Did you just blush?"

TAKAGI: "Yeah..."

NISHIKATA: "I can't believe it!"

TAKAGI: "Come on, I saved the day."

NISHIKATA: "I guess, I just wish there was a contest."

TAKAGI: "There wasn't? I thought you lived by that principle?"

NISHIKATA: "What do you mean? I never said that to you."

TAKAGI: I heard you talk to yourself before we met up for school before we dated."

NISHIKATA: "Oh..." *blushes*

TAKAGI: "See, now you did it too." *giggles*

With that life continued. They'd closed a tough chapter and opened one that would hopefully be the best yet.

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