It's fine, go... Pt. 1

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When they did return to school, they were faced with another problem, that boy who was flirting with Takagi had broken up with his girlfriend and was now making a bunch of moves on Takagi. One day he just straight up asked her out, and she said she was dating Nishikata and that she would never date him. He then spoke to Nishikata at the end of the day and said,

3RD YEAR: "Hey Nosikato or whatever, I heard you like contests, well how about we race for a kilometre, and if you lose I get to date your girlfriend."

At the mention of a contest something snapped inside of Nishikata and he agreed. Takagi's shout of dismay brought him back to the real world but by then it was too late. He apologised to Takagi but he knew that he'd just done something really dumb. The next day moved really slowly, but eventually the day ended and they both approached the running track, where they were met by Nishikata's competitor. Takagi started the race with a worried look on her face, and they both set off. Nishikata tried to pace himself, but he couldn't help but run once his opponent pulled ahead. They were both tired, though they tried not to show it. At the rate they were going, Nishikata would win, but as they approached the end, the desperate third year competitor tripped him over and won the race. Nishikata struggled to get up, but he saw the guy approach Takagi and try to speak to her but she pushed him away and said,

TAKAGI: "I'll never date a cheater like you!" *runs over to Nishikata* "Are you okay?"

NISHIKATA: "What are you doing? I lost, he won. It's fine, go..."

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