Part 62

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"Why?" Nadia whimpered to herself as she stumbled around in the dark. "Crap."

She hopped up and down as she caught her foot in her hand, cringing as she tried to soothe the pain. Right into the end of the bed. Nadia regretted for the hundredth time that she'd chosen that heavy, wooden bed frame. It was gorgeous but... mother fucker. It hurt every single time she crashed into it. She continued to curse beneath her breath as she scrambled to find the lamp on the nightstand. 

There it was again, the incessant knocking that had woken her from her slumber. She was having such a good dream too, Kylo Ren. She sighed with a smile as she found the lamp and turned the light on.  

"I'm coming, Grace." She yelled, putting her glasses on and standing. "I'm coming."

At least it had been a while since the last time Grace had woken her in the middle of the night... at least it would give her a chance to talk to her. Maybe she was here to tell her about the man she'd seen her with or everything that had been going on lately. 

"Jesus, you didn't even bother calling this time." Nadia said as she opened the door but she stopped, completely surprised. 

"You took long enough." Marco said, completely annoyed. Nadia stared at him for a second, then turned, glancing at the clock on the wall. 

"Are you... absolutely insane?" Nadia asked. "It's the middle of the night."

"I could ask you the same thing." Marco said scowling. Nadia blinked before it hit her. 

"Right. I'm guessing you talked to Luke." She said, stepping back and holding the door open. 

"I'm not the only one, right?" He said as she stepped in and she closed the door behind him. 

"Excuse me?" She asked. 

"Oh come off it. What in the world did you say to him?" Marco asked. 

"I didn't say anything." Nadia said.

"And that's why Luke is acting crazy?" Marco replied. Nadia shook her head. 

"Look, he caught me as I was walking out of the house, still trying to make sense of what I saw." Nadia said, pacing back and forth. 

"and what did you see?" Marco asked angrily. 

"I saw you... and her." Nadia said, wringing her wrists. "I saw you holding her... I saw her lean up to kiss you."

Marco noticed how red Nadia turned as she said it. 

"Tell me I was wrong." Nadia said suddenly, "Please tell me what I saw was wrong."

Marco sighed. It was obvious Nadia was conflicted. He couldn't be too angry with her, after all, Luke was her cousin. Was she just supposed to pretend she didn't see anything?

"No, she did lean up to kiss me." Marco began and Nadia's eyes widened. "But on the cheek!"

Nadia grew pale. 

"Where were you hiding?" Marco asked. 

"I was just beyond the kitchen doors." Nadia said. "and I wasn't hiding... I just stopped when I saw you hug her."

"Why?" Marco asked, "there was nothing to hide."

"I thought..." Nadia began with a sigh, "I thought maybe you were going to tell her... how you feel."

It was Marco's turn to blush now. 

"I thought she would let you down and that you wouldn't want anyone to see it." Nadia said. She moved towards him, placing a hand on his arm. "I'm sorry if I messed up, I'm sorry that I put this idea in Luke's head. I'm sorry... about Echo."

An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Reid, Reid Family Book #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora