Part 57

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"Come in."

Marco stepped into the office quietly, noting that Luke was still holding the phone to his face as he signaled for him to take a seat. It had been another busy morning, and an even busier afternoon in which both men had found themselves running around incessantly. 

"Thank you." Luke said, tossing the phone aside and running his hands through his hair. 

"Bad call?" Marco said after a few minutes. Luke sighed and pulled his top drawer open, taking out a cigarette and propping it between his lips. Marco raised his brow, he was sure that Luke quit.

"Don't say a word." Luke said without looking up.

Marco smiled but shook his head. Usually, he'd rib him at least a little but today... today was different. 

"Can I at least tell you about what we found?" Marco said after a few more minutes. 

"Unless it's good, I'm too tired to deal with it." Luke replied. He'd been spending long days at the office, in before anyone else and out way after. It was a shame. A brand new bride at home that he couldn't get enough of and the only time he really saw her was if he could sneak away early enough to catch her for dinner, otherwise she was fast asleep. 

The first few nights, Echo waited up for him. Luke told her she didn't have to do that but she'd insisted, saying that she wanted to wait. It was such a good feeling, even if she was already in bed, to come home and find her smiling at him from where she sat. He almost laughed thinking about the way he found her in bed one night and she just stood up on the bed and practically jumped off of it and into his arms. It caught him off guard. His shy little Echo would just throw her arms around his neck, excited to see him. She'd blushed furiously the first time she'd done it, obviously it was an impulsive thing to do and she regretted it. But he'd loved it so much that he'd insisted she do it every time he caught her in bed. 

Of course she protested and often times refused to do it, but every once in a while, she'd slip up and show him just how happy she was to see him. He was growing used to coming home to her. Used to the way she kissed him, the way she stroked his scar with her thumb or how she immediately curled up next to him in the bed. Even when he came home too late to catch her awake, she'd instinctively pull herself up to him and he'd wrap his arms over her. He hadn't meant to make a habit of coming home that late... but there was Christmas coming up and then their honeymoon. He needed to figure out this thing with the Russo brothers. He needed to be sure she was safe. 

"Depends on what you consider good news." Marco said with a shrug. 

"Alright, out with it." Luke replied. 

"We found them." Marco said, making Luke sit up. 

"You sure?" Luke asked.

"If it's not them, it's their long lost twins." Marco replied. 

"Where?" Luke asked. 

"As of right now, we have eyes in New York, right on them." Marco said. 

"Well? Then let's go. I want them here, now." Luke said but Marco shook his head. 

"It's not that easy." Marco replied. "If we're right and they're in New York, then it also means they have extensive surveillance in the city. Otherwise, they wouldn't know how to avoid you and they wouldn't be able to get those notes to you." 

"I'm aware there's a mole here, but fuck me if I know who it is." Luke said, hitting the desk with his fist. "Every single man, woman, and child within North Town, within our team, is accounted for. Everyone has been vetted and checked, right?"

An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Reid, Reid Family Book #1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ