Part 53

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Luke stared out onto the garden from behind the blinds of his study. This room was actually quite large but there were piles and piles of books scattered every where, the book cases that covered all four walls were completely full, and the room looked crowded. There was a set a double doors that led down to the back of the house where a small pool took up the south lawn, and a set of large windows behind an old mahogany desk that his father once sat at. That's were he stood, directly behind where his father should now be, staring out at the guests who filled the garden. 

The tents that had been put up the day before were open as it was still early enough in the day so that the sun kept it from being too cold. He knew that in a couple of hours the tents would be closed and there would be heaters spread about to keep the guests comfortable. He watched silently as men at the back gate greeted guests, ensuring everyone had an invitation in hand. At the end of the stone path that came from the gate, Nadia and her parents were welcoming people and helping them find a seat. 

His aunt had originally tried to organize the ceremony in the large church that was only a few streets down, but after talking to Echo they'd agreed that they would rather have a service outdoors without the formality or restriction of religion. Echo was not a catholic and therefore being married in a church would be difficult. 

He didn't mind very much. It seemed that there was always a new challenge or new compromise with her but it was part of the charm. He couldn't imagine that he would ever be bored. Everything about Echo so far had been better than he had imagined. She was constantly surprising him with her intelligence, she was perceptive enough to know what she should fight him on and what she should let go. She was patient, she was clever and now, he was beginning to find out, that she was always very passionate. 

He smiled as he thought about the first night she'd let him make love to her. He had expected her to be nervous, he wasn't surprised by her trembling, but he hadn't expected her to be so curious. It was like she was determined to inspect and explore every last part of him, every single time. She run her fingers over the scars on his back and shoulder, undisturbed and intrigued by them. She seemed to find beauty in all of it and she was more than willing to accept anything he wanted to give her. They really were a perfect match. 

But he was worried. He had pulled her into his world capriciously, demanding her time and attention because it suited him and his whims, ignoring her fear, her concerns, her trepidation. She had reason to be hesitant, she had reason to want to avoid him and push him away, and he hadn't heard her a single time that she tried to escape him. Now she was here and there was no way to let her go, even if he wanted too. There was too many people who knew she was his and the only safe place for her would be at his side. He would work the rest of his life to make sure she was always safe, always cared for. 

"Hey." The soft knock at the door was followed by a soft voice and a gleeful cry. "Oh wow... you look... just like dad!"

Luke smiled, turning to Adelia as she moved into the room. She was quite pretty in her blue bridesmaid dress. While Echo hadn't originally intended to have bridesmaids, in the end, her sisters had insisted which was surprising considering how much they'd hated having to do it for Karen. Adelia had been absolutely beaming when Romy had reached out to her personally to ask her to join them. It seemed that she'd really taken to Echo's sisters which was perfect. He'd always thought it was a shame that Adelia didn't have more women around. 

"I don't know about that." Luke said, moving towards her. "How's the tie?"

"Perfect." She said, inspecting the bow tie, "but you know that. I swear you were probably wearing ties as a baby."

He chuckled.

"I actually wouldn't be surprised if I was." He said, standing back. "Come on, take a turn."

An Echo in the Mafia (Echo Reid, Reid Family Book #1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu