Thinking about you...

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School continued, but eventually, the holidays arrived, which gave Nishikata an amazing idea on how to help Takagi after their stressful month. Once the holidays actually began, they were having breakfast and Nishikata said,

NISHIKATA: "I know it's a bit last minute, but how would you feel about going on holiday?"

TAKAGI: "I'd love it. But like you said, it's too last minute."

NISHIKATA: "Yeah, I know. Do you remember how you said if you had 1,000,000 yen you'd go to Mt. Fuji?"

TAKAGI: "Yeah, wh- Nishikata you didn't!"

NISHIKATA: "No, but there is a flight on Wednesday."

TAKAGI: "Okay, but can we afford it?"

NISHIKATA: "I can pay for the trip and 2 days of accommodation but you'll have to pay for the other 3."

TAKAGI: "Sure! I'm so excited."

When the flight came around, Takagi fell asleep on Nishikata's shoulder. He blushed but sort of liked it,

NISHIKATA: *whispers* "I love you..."

TAKAGI: *whispers* "Me too..."

NISHIKATA: "You were listening?!"


NISHIKATA: "Yeah sorry!" (Just like Tanabe. She got me again!)

Once they arrived, they left the airport and began to walk to the hotel. Nishikata held Takagi's hand, which almost made her blush, since she was normally the romantic one.

TAKAGI: "Hey, how about a contest?"

NISHIKATA: "Sure, what do you have in mind?"

TAKAGI: "Can you guess which way Mt. Fuji is?"

NISHIKATA: (Normally that would be easy but there is too much fog today, so I'm just going to have to guess. I think I'll follow the flow of tourists.) "That way." *points the way most people are walking*

TAKAGI: "Wrong! It's that way," *points different way* "I saw it just before we arrived. Now, as you're punishment I'll halve your push ups,"


TAKAGI: "But, you have to do them while I sit on your back."


The night proceeded, Nishikata did the press ups but ended up super tired afterwards so they went to bed.

TAKAGI: "Hey Nishikata, do you want a massage?"

NISHIKATA: "What n- actually yeah."

TAKAGI: "Okay, roll over." *begins to massage* "Wow, you have lots of muscles!"

NISHIKATA: *blushes* "Yeah, I've been doing a lot of P.E."

TAKAGI: "Well I'm done, do you feel better?"

NISHIKATA: "Yeah, thanks."

The next day, they took a train to Mt. Fuji and bought a camera, since they were quite cheap and their phones had died. Nishikata took a picture of Takagi before they went to the ski lifts. They weren't planning on skiing but Nishikata got really nervous for some reason. Takagi leaned on his shoulder and said,

TAKAGI: "Ah, what a nice view!"

NISHIKATA: "Yeah it is pretty," (Hmm, if I wanted to, I could add 'just like you' like they did in 100% crush last night and be romantic, but I don't think I have the courage)

TAKAGI: "You thinking about something?"

NISHIKATA: "Um, no." (Well, the moments past now)

Though that moment was missed, the hours they spent at the mountain were quite romantic, and when they got back to the hotel, Nishikata's head was spinning.

NISHIKATA: (God, I love her so much... Gah, what am I saying?! Oh come on, you've been dating for months you've seen people married in less time. Huh, marriage...)

He spent the next few minutes thinking about things like marriage and proposal until Takagi entered the room and said,

TAKAGI: "What are you thinking about?"

NISHIKATA: (... but I guess we're still too young...)

TAKAGI: "Nishikata! Hello?"

NISHIKATA: "Oh um hi Takagi!" *blushing*

TAKAGI: "Why are you blushing? Were you thinking about me? Was it something weird?"

NISHIKATA: "What no! I mean, I was thinking about you but just not weird stuff." (Crap! What did I just say?)

TAKAGI: "Aw thanks, I was thinking about you too!"

NISHIKATA: (Oh well then, that wasn't as bad as I was expecting)

// A few minutes earlier //

TAKAGI: (I love him so much! This trip has been so romantic, I'm so thankful. I wonder if he'll propose to me... No, we're still too young for that.)

The trip ended and they went home. They began preparing to return to school the following week.

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