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One day, when walking Chi (The dog), Takagi realised she was limping. When they got home, Takagi made her some food, but she didn't eat any of it. This worried her, so she called a nearby vet, who said to bring her in for a check-up. After anxiously waiting for half an hour, the vet said that Chi had been bitten by a tick. They had removed the tick and prescribed a spray for the area of the bite, and that she shouldn't be licking the area. Takagi thanked her and went home. When Nishikata got home, she explained what happened and Nishikata understood. At night, Chi had to wear a cone since neither of them could watch over her. The next two weeks passed slowly, but Chi got better.

The week after, Nishikata was taking extra classes in P.E. since he wanted to be a P.E. teacher. He was climbing a 5m wall when he slipped and fell. There was matting but his arm still hit the floor pretty bad and it broke. When Takagi heard what happened she rushed to the hospital. Nishikata was being operated on when she arrived but she was assured it was nothing major and that she could see him soon, once she could, she rushed in and said,

TAKAGI: "Oh my god! I was so worried, are you okay?"

NISHIKATA: "Yeah, I'm fine, I just can't go to school or work or take this cast off for two weeks."

TAKAGI: "Oh thank god!"

NISHIKATA: "Yeah, but did you bring any food? I'm famished."

TAKAGI: "Of course. Here." *hands food*

NISHIKATA: "Thanks!" *eats food* "By the way, the hospital says I have to stay overnight, just in case something happens."

TAKAGI: "Oh. Should I ask if I can stay with you?"

NISHIKATA: *blushes* "Yeah, if you want to."

TAKAGI: "Of course. I'll just pop home to get some stuff. Do you want me to bring one of your mangas?"

NISHIKATA: "Sure. Thanks a lot. See you soon!"

TAKAGI: "Not good enough."

NISHIKATA: (What does sh- Oh.) "Fine: Bye, I love you!"

TAKAGI: *walks out, giggling*

Time went on and Nishikata got better, and eventually he returned to school. After a stressful month, Nishikata decided that he wanted to do something to help calm Takagi down...

Takagi-San. After the festival...Where stories live. Discover now