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𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑟𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠
𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑤𝑜

khadijah was currently draped over morgiana, who graciously accepted to carry the older woman

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khadijah was currently draped over morgiana, who graciously accepted to carry the older woman. after last night, khadijah had cried and weeped over missing all the fun and shut down in response; she had become a nuisance, and dispirited.

"to think alibaba would become a thief."

vibrant magenta eyes snapped over to the boy who stood silently, gazing at the ocean in front of them. removing herself from morg, khadijah approached the young boy, placing a hand on his head. his gaze remained still, but there was a small smile of gratitude-enough for khadijah to relax and walk back towards the men.

immediately, her nimble fingers wrapped around masrur's hand, pulling him towards her as she wrapped her arms around his chest. he was tall as shit, enough so where she only reached his elbows. a smile graced her lips a second later, feeling his prowess coursing through his veins; it was steady, and powerful. were all the fanalis like this? would morgiana grow up to be this strong-stronger than this? a shiver ran down her spine, khadijah humming in thought. "how beautiful," she gripped his chin, bringing him down where she quickly pressed a chaste kiss against his forehead. "masrur."

"thank you. as are you." he curtly replied, grabbing her waist and placing her arms-length from him. "khadijah."

she blinked.

before she could respond, khadijah watched morg slip away, sniffing the air before she took off running. quickly following the woman while the men stayed behind to talk about the attack, khadijah wondered where she was going. had something happened to her? yesterday, as far as she knew, morg and aladdin were greeted by the enemy-was it possible morg was injured?


she wasn't.

she was just going to threaten a certain somebody.

quickly and without remorse, khadijah gripped the girls neck, pulling her back before she had the chance to jump inside the window. placing her finger on morg's lips, khadijah pointed out the guards that had passed on the streets, crouching down when their eyes snapped over to them.

"why did you follow me?"

"because i like sticking my nose where it doesn't belong." she responded, slipping into the room only to deadpan. "that's-you.. that's not how you.. oh my goodness." walking over and pulling out the cigarette from alibaba's mouth, khadijah instead placed it into her own, breathing out the smoke through her nostrils as she glared down at the boy. "you're wayyyyyyyy to young to be doing stupid shit like this."

"i can't even smoke it," alibaba sighed. "i always end up choking."

"dumbass." she sat beside him, placing her hand on his head. "even your body rejects it, why would you continue to try it?"


"because we're both talking to each other?" khadijah smiled in amusement, watching morgiana push him back into bed; after his unnecessary yell, alibaba had jumped out of bed, pointing his dagger straight at her before morg pushed his ass back to bed. however before she could make a snarky remark, khadijah watched morg's eyes twinkle-it was soft and hidden under her curiosity and annoyance, but it was there.

how cute. she has a crush on the person who saved her.

"morgiana, do what you will to him." giving the girl a light ruffle on the head, khadijah smiled at the blossoming blush on the girl. she was glad; morgiana was finally opening up to her. "i'll see you back in the hotel."

"are you gonna spend the night with him again? try to be quiet. i heard you-"

khadijah blanched. "we weren't doing anything bad! i gave him a massage, that's it! don't look at me like that morg-please believe me.." she weeped, throwing one leg out the window.

"nasty older sister."


a light giggle was heard before a squeak of fear followed up.


khadijah sat beside the lonely aladdin. well, he sat in her lap while she played with his hair. he had been mumbling to himself for a while now, claiming he needed to set a new goal and accepting what had been done. "you know it's okay to cry, right?" she wrapped her arms around his small body, placing her chin on his head as she sighed. how is he so tiny?

"i was looking forward to it.."

"you still are. he has his own reasons and sure enough, you'll both meet again." she whispered softly, the cigar long since thrown away once she reached his room. "in fact, you'll get your answers soon." she ignored his look of confusion, and instead whipped him around to face her. khadijah watched his eyes droop downwards, limbs dragging beside him with every movement he'd make-his first friend had disappointed him.

"remember when you kicked alibaba out of your work?" aladdin began, twiddling his fingers as he laughed. "he was so shocked and wanted to beat you up after!"

"he wanted to what?"

"his exact words were 'ill beat that old hag black and blue!'" he continued to cackle, ignoring the flare of anger in khadijah; the brat called her an old hag!?

aladdin continued to laugh, and khadijah could only frown, watching the tears begin to slip out of his eyes. she stood quiet, humming a tune that she hoped would help; a tune she would sing for the orphans on the streets when she lived as alicia montgomery-they were an idiotic and abrasive bunch who tried to kill her ass with a rusted knife for the food she was carrying. she easily overpowered them, kicking one in the stomach and punching the others.

it was unfortunate they had died the winter that year.

hearing a manly scream come from outside the window, khadijah immediately jumped away from the incoming projectile attack, watching as alibaba slammed into a wall on the opposite side of the room whilst morgiana softly landed on her feet.

glancing at the door, khadijah narrowed her eyes softly. had they predicted something like this would happen? is this why they were all pressing their ears against the door to listen in? it seems like i'm not the only one who likes to stick their noses into others' business.

"how've you been aladdin?" his tone was filled with nervousness, a sweat running down his forehead as he waved at the magi. "y-you look good."

"get to the point." morg spat.

"i was getting there, but now that you rushed me, i don't wanna say it anymore."

khadijah held in her groan, watching morgiana pop a vein before the floor around her snapped. "why you-!"

it's going to be a long night.

thank you guys so much for reading and voting 💛.
and forgive me for the late update; the next chapter will be longer.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 -𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑖Where stories live. Discover now