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One day, Nishikata overheard Takagi consoling her friend, who had just been rejected by the boy she liked, and Takagi was saying things like, "It's not your fault, you're super cute," and "I'd date you..." and thought she was flirting with another guy. He got really annoyed and after school, when Takagi tried to chat, he just shouted,

NISHIKATA: "What the hell? Why were you flirting with someone earlier?"

TAKAGI: "What do you mean?"

NISHIKATA: "I heard you telling whoever it was earlier how cute they were and that you wanted to date them!"

TAKAGI: "What?! You thought I was flirting? I was consoling my friend who'd been rejected!"

NISHIKATA: (Oh crap, what have I done!) "Takagi, I-"

TAKAGI: "You know what? No! You've just shown me how little faith you have in me, so why should I be kind to you? I'm fed up with you rushing head first into everything!"

As the next few days went on, they rarely spoke, and an awkward silence settled on the house. They didn't sleep in the same bed anymore either. Nishikata felt like he should make it up to her, but she was never around, she was always at her job or in her room alone. He decided he'd take her on a really nice date, and started asking around for ideas, saying that he also didn't want her to find out what he was planning.

He was directed by Mano to a small bar with a stage that some semi-famous bands perform at. The tickets were quite expensive, but he thought he had enough saved up. When the night arrived, he said he wanted her to head somewhere with him and she begrudgingly accepted. He tried to hold her hand on the way but she batted him away. When they arrived he showed the man outside his tickets and they entered. Takagi walked in slightly aawe struck by this gesture and walked a bit closer to him, though she felt a bit stubborn, so she still avoided eye contact. As the show went on she leaned on Nishikata's shoulder, and whispered,

TAKAGI: "I'm sorry..."

NISHIKATA: "Me too, but before we go home I have one more thing to show you..."

They went on a walk until they reached the tree that was at the end of the treasure hunt they took before they started in the academy. Takagi saw that Nishikata had engraved their names in the trunk. She felt so happy in that moment that she hugged him really tight.

TAKAGI: "I love you."

NISHIKATA: "Really? A hug, here?"

TAKAGI: (What does he mea- oh...) "Ok then." *kisses*

With that, their fight was resolved, and everything went back to normal.

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