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Nishikita turned the corner, nearly tripping over the person who was sat, unconventionally, in the middle of the hallway. Slowing down his hurtling pace, he just managed to stop before he smacked straight into the person. As he looked down to see who had obstructed him, he felt his face morph, his eyebrows angling, face distorted in a look of anger. As the girl he had been looking for looked up at him, she could feel his eyes piercing deep into her soul, tearing apart the bubble she had been living in for so long, surrounded by her plan and how it all would work out. She had failed.

They stayed like that for a while, neither of them new how long, until finally, Akari-San decided it was time to put an end to this. She stood up; eyes pointed meekly at the floor. She couldn't look him in the eye, not after everything she had put him through. She thought back through all the memories they had made together, all the laughs they had shared, all the secrets they had told each other; she realized how much she would miss those times. She struggled, forcing her neck back, facing eye to eye with him. She saw the pain in his eyes, and as he opened his mouth to speak, she mentally braced herself for his harsh words.

The words that came out of his mouth didn't surprise her.

"I think you have some explaining to do, Akari-san," he spoke, surprising himself by his firmness.

"Y-yeah," she responded; voice cracking under the pressure of speaking with him.

"Come with me." He turned his back to her and started to walk off, and Akari-san followed. As he led them down the stairs, her mind rushed to think of some kind of explanation, but she couldn't think clearly. By the time they had reached the bottom of the stairs, she had no more of an idea of what to say than when they had started to descend. As Akari looked around, she noticed that they had made their way into the schools' courtyard and had arrived next to one of the benches. As she looked at the bench, she saw someone was already sitting on it. Looking at the person, she immediately recognised who it was.


"I think," spoke Nishikata looking Akari-San in the eyes, "You owe the both of us an explanation, and most likely, an apology."

Sighing loudly, Akari sat down on the bench. "I suppose I owe the two of you both of those."

And so, Akari-San spent the next half hour explaining what her entire plan was and why she had done everything.

As she finished with her explanation an awkward silence fell upon the whole group. Akari was surprised by how much hurt to have such a clear representation of how much she had hurt them.

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