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Spain POV:

It's been 2 years since Phil got kidnap. Everyone thinks that the masked thiefs are Malaysia and Indonesia but I believe that the ones who kidnap Phil are America and his unknown brother.

I search where they live and everything about them. I'll prove everyone that America is a cursed hero and take back my honnor.

I'll show everyone that I am the real hero....just like before

Philippines POV:

Finally! I master the vibrations everywhere! I can feel the ants crawling and people's heart beat. I can sense if they are lying or not.

I was sitting on the grass when I felt a unfamilar vibration of someone....no...it isn't just someone.....I think it's...Spain

I stood up and ran inside to tell America about it.
"America! America! I think there's someone outside!"
I shouted
"Huh?! Who?!"
America asked panicked
"I think it's Spain... and he's probably here inside"
I said lowering my head
"Correct.... I am inside.... tho...I wonder how did you know it's me?"
That monster said
"Stay away from us!"
America yelled at Spain as he protect me
"No... I don't think so....
I'm taking back everything that you stole from me!"
Spain said as he bring out something and attack us.

America POV:

I told Phil to call Confederacy. He then ran away while I fight Spain. He has a gun while I have a sword. I then wore my mask. When I wore my mask he laughed like a crazy person who's about to kill everyone.

"So it was really you! The masked thiefs and a cursed hero!"
He said while laughing again
"Cursed hero? I never heared anything about that....I don't think I did some heroic things...."
I said confused
I don't think I was called a hero... maybe that's someone else pretending to be me...
"Oh America, stop pretending and say the truth!"
Spain said as he shot his gun
I quickly dogged it and said
"I'm not pretending! I never lie! I think you're looking for someone else."
He then shot his gun

"Then who? Who do you think is the hero?"
He asked
"....Japan..Malaysia or Indonesia...no wait it's probably Russia who is pretending to be me..."
I said remembering that Russia wants something back and I never gave it back to him.... is this his revenge?
"Russia? Haha! what do you mean he's just an ordinary country!"
He said shotting his gun again

I heared Phil said from behind
"What is it?"
I asked
"Confederacy is missing...I don't know where he is..."
Phil said trembling
"I think those police are doing a fine job.."
Spain said as he shot his gun again
I quickly dodge it and held Phil's hand and run.

Philippines POV:

Me and America are running in the streets so I asked him
"Where are we going?"
"To Russia's house"
America said
".... this is the wrong way.... what are you planning to do?"
I asked
America simply answered

We arrive at Russia's house since the vibrations feel familiar. I've been here multiple times to give something back since America likes stealing stuff from him. I wonder why...

America then knock on the door and said.
"Russia! Open the damn door!"
The door then opens revealing Russia
"The hell do you two want?"
He asked boredly
"Well....did I ever told that I kinda kidnap Phil?"
America asked nervously
"Are you telling me the police are chasing after you?"
Russia said
"... Yeah... there's also Spain..."
America said scratching the back of his neck
"Ughh...Whatever come inside...just don't mess my stuff"
Russia said as he let us in

The first time I met Russia was when I was practicing to feel vibrations with America. He told me that if I can feel the vibration of someone's heart I can feel if they are lying or not. As I was trying to feel America's heart I felt another one.
"America...I think someone is here..."
I said nervously
America said
"Heh,how did this kid know that I was here?"
Someone said
"Oh...Russia what do you want,dude?"
America asked the...man? I mean he said dude so it's probably a boy.

"My teddy bear"
That man named Russia said
"Wait,you had a teddy bear?!"
America asked shocked
"Well,duh! You stole it why are you even shocked?"
Russia said kinda annoyed
"Well....I never stole any teddy bear from you"
America said

"What does it look like?"
I asked
"My teddy bear is color gray. Has a cut in the chest area and is missing an eye. My teddy bear looks kinda creppy just like me"
Russia said
"That's what Teddy bear looks like when I found him in the storage room..."
I said
"But sadly,Spain burned it...he said that Teddy bear was a cursed toy..."
I said almost in tears
"I'm sorry Russia....I think your teddy bear got burned...probably it was Spain who stole it"
America said calming me down a bit

After that me and Russia talk about stuff like Teddy bear and my life in here. I never told Russia about my life when I was with Spain. I don't want to remember those bad days.

Russia is actullay a kinda awkward guy. He also like stuffed animals. But for some reason I can always feel America watching us whenever we hangout or talk about life and all.

America is probably gay for me or he's too protective.

Good thing he's not a yandere that kills people that likes or meet the person he/she loves. That's creepy..I hate creepy stuff...but atleast I can't see any creepy stuff now since I'm blind!

....I'm gonna tell something werid....so please don't judge me :(

To be honest I'm kinda gay for two people
I'm gay for Russia and America....

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