Staying Over

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With that, he picked her up and carried her to his house. When they arrived, Nishikata's mum let them in, and asked what happened. Nishikata explained everything, and his mum took Takagi into the other room to lie down.

When she woke up, Nishikata was waiting there and she asked what happened. He explained everything and after that, his mum entered the room.

NISHIKATA'S MUM: "You're awake. Oh good. I've got some food and medicine for you, but then you'll need to head home, it's getting late.

TAKAGI: "Thank you. But I can't head home, my mum is on a business trip.

NISHIKATA'S MUM: (Oh crap, I go away tomorrow as well.) "Well just stay here for the night, but I'll be gone in the morning so Nishikata will have to look after you. Do you know when she'll be back?

TAKAGI: "Monday morning."

NISHIKATA'S MUM: "Okay then, just stay here for the weekend and I'll try and get hold of your mum."

So that night, Takagi stayed over with Nishikata.

The next morning, Takagi got up earlier than Nishikata, and when she looked at him, she just couldn't help but think how cute he looked when he was asleep. When Nishikata woke up, Takagi decided to tease him again and said,

TAKAGI: "Enjoy your sleep?"

NISHIKATA: "Yeah. Why what time is it?"

TAKAGI: "It's 6PM."

NISHIKATA: "What?!" *Looks at clock, that says '6:00'* "Crap! Are you okay? Did you manage alright?"

TAKAGI: "Yeah, yeah. It's okay silly, I'm fine. Plus, I'm teasing you, it's 6AM!"

NISHIKATA: "What? Oh, come on!" (Darn you Takagi!)

Takagi starts giggling, and Nishikata blushes.

Later that day, Nishikata counts all the times he's been teased, and starts to do his push-ups. Takagi walks in and asks,

TAKAGI: "What are you doing?"

NISHIKATA: "Push-ups. Why?"

TAKAGI: "Just thought it'd be a good idea for a competition"

NISHIKATA: "Really?" (This is my chance!) "Ok then, what are the rules?"

TAKAGI: "First person to fail a push-up loses. You ready? 3, 2, 1, GO!"

With that, their competition began. As they got to about 20, Takagi started to struggle, but then she started a conversation,

TAKAGI: "Are you tired yet?"


TAKAGI: "Wow! Anyway, have you thought about what my punishment is from the other day?"

NISHIKATA: "No! I totally forgot. Woah!" *topples*

TAKAGI: "Yay! I win."

After that, their day continued and just before they both went to bed, Nishikata said something...

NISHIKATA: "Hey Takagi. I've come up with a punishment..."

TAKAGI: "Oh yeah? What is it?"

NISHIKATA: *blushes* "I- I want you to prove that you like me. M- Make me believe that you're not teasing me... I know it sounds rude, but it's been on my mind for the past week."

TAKAGI: "Ok, that's fair." *Kisses* "Is that enough?"

NISHIKATA: *blushes even more* "I guess. But there is one more thing you can do..."

TAKAGI: "What is it?"

Takagi-San. After the festival...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt