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Later that week, a typhoon hit, and the rain came down, hard. In school, the normal, "Are you and Takagi-San dating?" questions were thrown at Nishikata, and he responded with his usual answer of, "No!". When Takagi met with Nishikata later that day she asked,

TAKAGI: "Why are you still denying we're dating?"

NISHIKATA: "I don't know, it's kind of embarrassing."

TAKAGI: "Really? *upset*

NISHIKATA: "No! I didn't mean it like that!" (What have I done?)

TAKAGI: "Ha ha, I was only joking, but how about, if you can admit we're dating to someone, you win."

NISHIKATA: (Darn you Takagi!) "Okay, I guess..."

At the end of the day, Takagi asked him,

TAKAGI: Did you do it?

NISHIKATA: "Yeah." (I didn't, but she doesn't know that)

TAKAGI: "Really, who did you tell?"

NISHIKATA: "Um, Nakai." (I didn't think you'd ask that, but you've hit a roadblock, I know you don't have his number)

TAKAGI: "Ok. Would you mind if I called Mano, just to confirm it?"

NISHIKATA: (Darn you Takagi!) *sigh* "Don't, I lied, I couldn't do it."

TAKAGI: "Suspicions confirmed" *giggles*

And they went home.

On their way home that Friday, Nishikata remembered that he forgot some important homework, so he ran back, leaving Takagi-San about halfway to their houses. When he returned, everything seemed fine, but as they got closer to their houses, Takagi started to cough and sneeze. Nishikata was starting to get worried, so he moved closer to her so that she was entirely under the umbrella, but she kept on sneezing. In the se3ction that they normally part, Takagi looked at Nishikata and muttered...

TAKAGI: "I don't feel so good" *faints*

NISHIKATA: "Takagi are you ok?! Oh god, oh god, oh god!" (Am I really going to do this? Oh, but I must!)

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