Hey Ta- Ka- Gi... (A Short Story)

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The next morning started off awkward, until Nishikata tried to start a conversation.

NISHIKATA: "Hey Takagi-Sa –

TAKAGI: "Ugh! Why are you still saying the 'San', we're dating. You know, how about we have a contest?"

NISHIKATA: "Okay, what do you have in mind?"

TAKAGI: "If you can say my name without the 'san', you win and I'll do whatever you want, but if you don't, you do whatever I want. Also, you have one minute."

NISHIKATA: (Woah! I'm not sure I can win this) "O- Okay, Ta- g- ga- k- ki..."



TAKAGI: "3, 2, 1, ding ding ding!"

NISHIKATA: (Did I just win? Yes! What a feeling. But what should I make her do?)

TAKAGI: "What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about what to make me do? Is it something perverted?" *giggles*

NISHIKATA: "What! No!" *blushes*

TAKAGI: "Ha ha! Your reactions are the best!"

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