Result(Nishikata's Perspective)

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"Come again," Said Nishikata trying to understand what is going on.
"Yes, I'll go out with you." Said Takagi with a genuine smile.

The two blushed heavily and stood silent until the voices of Nishikata's friends heard their calling. Nishikata turns back and sees ... and ... . ... places his arms around Nishikata and asks him what's going on.  He blushes and struggles to find an alternative way to avoid his confession. Suspense increases as ... mentioned the key word "date". 

"Nishikata told me he left something from me in the classroom." Replied Takagi.
"Really? He talked you here just because he left something in class?...Alright, let's go ... you're food's about to expire."
"Yeah, you're right. Bye Nishikata."

As Nishikata waves them bye, Takagi steps closer to him and kisses on him on his cheek. Nishikata's eyes widened and places his hand on the spot where Takagi placed her territory.

"T-Takagi-san, you just k-ki-" stuttered Nishikata.
"I just kissed you for the second time." Said Takagi with a teasing attitude.

Nishikata blushes hard as he forces not smile in front of her. The two part their ways and head home. Takagi was struggling not to smile as she left. As Nishikata was about to head home, he notices a familiar figure in front of him. It was his mother.

"Oh hi dear," Said the mother.
"Hey mom," Replied Nishikata.
"Are you heading home now?"
"Yeah, let me go with you."
"Okay dear,"
"By the way, what you just did was pretty bold of you."
"W-what do you mean by that, mom?" Nishikata asked with confusion.
"The way you asked that Takagi girl to go on the date with you reminds me of your dad." His mom replied giggly.
"W-wha-wh-wha-" Stuttered Nishikata in shock and even more confusion.
"How did you know?!" Screamed the confused Nishikata.
"I saw you across the street acting all tough and encourage yourself to ask her out."
"AAGGHHH, this is even more embarrassing than Takagi-san's teasing!" Screamed Nishikata covering his face and looking away from his mother.

The two had an enjoyable trip to home, at least to his mother. Nishikata, however lost all his energy trying to hide his embarrassment in front to his mother. When they opened the door to their home, dad was greeted with the wife's giggly smile and physically drained son. Nishikata heads up to his room acting all tired.

"What happened to him?"
"There's something I have to tell you." She said excitedly.

Meanwhile, Nishikata lied down to his bed and slowly closed his eyes until a sound of phone chime caught his attention. He widely opened his eyes and checks his phone. It was Takagi checking up on him. He smiles a little and shakes his head in denial. His energy was increased and started texting her back.

"Hi there,"
"Hi Nishikata,"
"What's up?"
"Nothing, I just wanna talk to you."
"How's Chi?"
"She's asleep with a little bump on her head. Don't worry, I took care of it. Oh I know, let's have a little contest.
"What game would it be?"
"First person to stop saying "I love you" loses."
"Ehhhh?! That's too embarrassing. Oh well, at least we can just do it in text."
"Oh and about that, we have to do it by calling each other."
"How else would we say it properly if we can't hear each other's voices?"

They proceed to call each other. "Why am I being tortured even though I already asked her out? I bet she's all flustered if only I could see her face. Oh wait, I can just ask her to." Thought Nishikata to himself. He immediately texts her the request with the smile on his face hoping for him to see her flustered face but the tables were turned for him.

"Oh, you really wanna see me right now huh?" Said the "counter strike" Takagi.
"N-no, I just wanna see your face because I thought you're blushing."
"So you do want to see me."

Nishikata gulps and looks away as Takagi laughs quietly. She proposed to continue with the game. Nishikata attempts to protest but was no much against her. He eventually gave in and then...

"I love you." Nishikata said quietly embarrassed.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you." Said Takagi placing her hand behind her ear.
"I LOVE YOU OKAY." screamed the embarrassed Nishikata.

Takagi was at shocked, realizing she might've taken it too far. Nishikata quickly realized his actions and apologized quickly. She felt bad for him as she felt uneasy and wanted to apologize as well. After a ridiculous amount of apologies, everything went back to normal. Takagi checked her time and notices it's past their bed time and her parents might get mad at her. 

"Nishikata, I'm about to hang up now, we should get some sleep. Wouldn't wanna be late on a Monday."
"Hehe yeah, well then, good night."
"Good night" Replied Takagi. Just as Nishikata was about to hang up, her voice called him at the last second. He reaches his phone to question to her calling.
"I love you too." Said Takagi hiding her blush with a smile then immediately hangs up.

Nishikata froze the moment those words struck to his ears and started to blush uncontrollably. His frozen experience was suddenly by a sight that will haunt him. It was his parents getting giggly at what just happened. His face grew redder as he suddenly screamed "Why are you here?!" that was loud enough for the birds fly away.

Author's note: I'm back from that eye injury. Hope I didn't make you wait that long. I may be busy with the online modules I enrolled but I'll find time to work on the fan fiction. 

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